FYI - Greg (AudioPostExpert) is highly experienced professional who owns his own mix facility and who also teaches sound-for-picture and other audio courses. I'll leave it to him to supply the specific credits.
And just because someone has an IMDB credit these days doesn't mean anything, since every short with a budget of 69ยข has an IMDB page.
Having minimal IMDB credits doesn't mean anything at all either. I have literally many dozens of "credits" for which I was never credited; that's part and parcel to the freelancer game. Whomever contracts me to do the work gets the credit - I get paid. And there are many others who just never bother updating their IMDB page once they start shooting.
My personal personal niche is low/no/mini/micro budget projects, so I hear LOTS of crappy production sound; I've spent thousands upon thousands of hours attempting to make production tracks that are clean, intelligible and cohesive. And I agree with Greg; your "advice" does not come from a professional or even experienced amateur perspective. Your "trick" with one line does not an experienced audio professional make. Once you have a few dozen successful shorts and a couple of features that got into (even minor) festivals under your belt then maybe you can argue with us.
Oh, and just to keep you happy here's a few of the credits I actually received:
Johnny Montana (2006) Feature - Directed by John Gavin
Sound Design, ReRecording Mixer
Honoree of Soundpost Award, Best Production Award, Best Feature Award
2006 Moondance International Film Festival
Silver Spotlight Award, Best Debut Feature, 2006 Australian International Film Festival
2006 San Francisco International, 2006 Newport Beach International, 2006 Palm Beach International,
2006 Queens International and 2006 Bahamas International Film Festivals
Magical Do-Re-Mi (UnCredited) (2005) Aired Saturdays on FOX Saturdays
Network Cartoon - 4Kids
Sound FX Editor
Moonshine (2005) Feature - Directed by Roger Ingraham
Audio Post
2006 Sundance Film Festival
Creating Karma (2005) Feature - Directed by Jill Wisoff
Audio Post, ReRecording Mixer
Best Feature Award 2008 Broad Humor Film Festival
2006 Coney Island Film Festival
2007 Portobello Film Festival, London, UK
2007 Gem City Film Festival
2008 Tomi Film Festival
2008 Broad Humor Film Festival, Los Angeles
ShadowGlade (2014) Series Pilot - Directed Ezra Peace
Sound Design, ReRecording Mixer
11 (Eleven) (2006) Feature - Directed by Neil McCay
Pre-Production Consultant, Sound Design, Associate Editor, ReRecording Mixer