are there a lot of fundraising film sites? is it best to just use one?

I'm not being vague. You're seeing it as vague due to your own ignorance and laziness.

So you want me to do the work for you? What's the quid pro quo?

If it's even possible then you "experts" could cite one example of how but since you can't sell nothing must be I'm getting advice from mongoloids
There seems to be a quote that fits the bill perfectly. "If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."

If I thought you either deserve an example or would make use of it, I'd give it.
There seems to be a quote that fits the bill perfectly. "If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."

If I thought you either deserve an example or would make use of it, I'd give it.

you a loser who sits around this site trying to be smart. there are no examples cos you cant really do it moron
davidevans10 this isn't YouTube, act like a civilized person or take a hike.
Tell you what, I'll give you one, because I'm sure your ignorant mind won't understand how you can use what they did to your advantage. Hell, since it was 16 years ago I'm sure it's a safe bet you'd be able to discover what they did.

"What is the Matrix?" campaign. That campaign is exactly what you're after. While they had a lot of assets in place, they didn't use them in their "What is the Matrix" campaign. It's a prime example of vaporware that worked well. Times have changed, the mediums available are a lot more accessible and affordable. The early parts of this campaign is a near on perfect correlation with what you're describing that you need, though as I said before, if you're not able to understand simple concepts like "Potential Audience" a campaign with subtle nuances like this is likely to be lost on you.

Don't get it, right?

There are literally thousands upon thousands of campaigns which you can draw upon. All you need to do is open your eyes. I saw a very effective campaign hit my desk early last week. From what I can tell, you're still focusing on the whether it can be done with what you have instead of understanding that not only it does get done, professionals use it over and over again and you're oblivious to it.
any suggestion for getting people to your campaign and site?

I have a feeling I've seen you asking a part of your questions before. Or maybe it was someone else?

Anyway, about crowdfunding there is a large thread on this forum. Very interesting, because various people tell what worked and what didn't and what they would do differently next time:

This is interesting as well:
However, they already had a trailer and a fanbase.
They actually crowdfunded for the trailer as well, but at that moment they already had their fanbase, because it's a sequel.

To give you better anwsers, we'll need more info:
in what phase is your project now? Preproduction? Still shooting? Shot?
Because there is always something to share about your project.

Your main problem could be that it is your first project, so you have nothing to show as of what you made before.
(lol, see how the 'make something small first advice resonates through the whole process'? :P )
But that doesn't have to be a problem.
Do you have a great tagline to share?
A great openingscene?
A cool storyboard?
BTS footage?

And yes, your facebook friends are the start of the crowd you need.
And yes, you can tell them what you are working on and ask them to help you by participating by donating, sharing posts or even help creating content for your campaign.

However, social media aren't the only media.
I said it before: at the start of your campaign, half way and near the end: contact local media.
Write your own press releases.
(I remember vaguely that you dismissed that suggestion because your project isn't local. You are local. And that makes it local news and thus interesting for local newspapers and news sites. You need to start somewhere to reach the crowd. Local news media are low hanging fruits.
Besides that: all news is local. What you see on the 8 o'çlock news is also local news: it's just not your location...)

If you are still shooting: write a pressrelease to get followers and to announce that there will be a crowdfunding campaign.

What is the subject of your story?
Is there an online community around that topic?
Join that community/forum/discussion board to reach that audience.
Beware to not only plug your project, but to also add a little bit to that community.
Most people are sceptical when it comes to 1 post fly-bys that just copy paste a promo text.

Make sure you have a blog/website about your project. Even if it is just facebook.
People need somewhere to go before and after the campaign.
People who want to help you need a place to refer to.

Engage your family, friends, cast and crew to share posts with their friends and family.

The crowd starts with your own circle.
And with reaching your target audience.

Some nice advice when it comes to the actual campaign:

Tell you what, I'll give you one, because I'm sure your ignorant mind won't understand how you can use what they did to your advantage. Hell, since it was 16 years ago I'm sure it's a safe bet you'd be able to discover what they did.

"What is the Matrix?" campaign. That campaign is exactly what you're after. While they had a lot of assets in place, they didn't use them in their "What is the Matrix" campaign. It's a prime example of vaporware that worked well. Times have changed, the mediums available are a lot more accessible and affordable. The early parts of this campaign is a near on perfect correlation with what you're describing that you need, though as I said before, if you're not able to understand simple concepts like "Potential Audience" a campaign with subtle nuances like this is likely to be lost on you.

Don't get it, right?

There are literally thousands upon thousands of campaigns which you can draw upon. All you need to do is open your eyes. I saw a very effective campaign hit my desk early last week. From what I can tell, you're still focusing on the whether it can be done with what you have instead of understanding that not only it does get done, professionals use it over and over again and you're oblivious to it.

apparently your oblivious too since i'm asking you about crowd funding and one simple example of one person since everyone does it . And your talking about matrix 15 years ago
...i'm asking you about crowd funding... ...your talking about matrix 15 years ago

Why are you unable to think for yourself, put the pieces together, come up with the obvious solution that Sweetie has tried very hard to help you understand?

'The Matrix' was sold to it's potential audience with very little footage from the movie itself. Do you not think you could do the same with your soon-to-be-live crowdfunding campaign?
apparently your oblivious too since i'm asking you about crowd funding and one simple example of one person since everyone does it

I get what you're asking. You're the wrong person to run your campaign. You need someone who not only can grasp these simple concepts, you need someone who can execute complex plans and move people. You cannot do this. The limit of your abilities seem to revolve around nerd raging, throwing tantrums when you fail to understand the mathematical equivalent of 1+1.

You're like a brain damaged version of h44. It's been over four months since you've been trying to learn crowd funding. If you had a basic aptitude for this topic, statistically speaking, you'd have accidentally learned more than you currently know.

And your talking about matrix 15 years ago

Marketing hasn't changed much in decades. While the delivery method and the scalability has changed with both the times and the technology available, the basic fundamentals is still the same. Move your audience in a way you need them to move.

I cannot help that you don't get it. Everything I'm writing here is in the hope that others will learn. You certainly won't.

'The Matrix' was sold to it's potential audience with very little footage from the movie itself.

The initial phase of the marketing for the Matrix was done without any footage. It started with a grassroots campaign, unless I'm mistaken, using radio stations giving out physical items. It wasn't until later on in the campaign (if I remember right, 3 or more months later) did it switch gears and started showing footage.

We could talk Blair Witch project. I'm very keen to learn more about that campaign. I've been rather unsuccessful researching what they did.
I get what you're asking. You're the wrong person to run your campaign. You need someone who not only can grasp these simple concepts, you need someone who can execute complex plans and move people. You cannot do this. The limit of your abilities seem to revolve around nerd raging, throwing tantrums when you fail to understand the mathematical equivalent of 1+1.

You're like a brain damaged version of h44. It's been over four months since you've been trying to learn crowd funding. If you had a basic aptitude for this topic, statistically speaking, you'd have accidentally learned more than you currently know.

Marketing hasn't changed much in decades. While the delivery method and the scalability has changed with both the times and the technology available, the basic fundamentals is still the same. Move your audience in a way you need them to move.

I cannot help that you don't get it. Everything I'm writing here is in the hope that others will learn. You certainly won't.

The initial phase of the marketing for the Matrix was done without any footage. It started with a grassroots campaign, unless I'm mistaken, using radio stations giving out physical items. It wasn't until later on in the campaign (if I remember right, 3 or more months later) did it switch gears and started showing footage.

We could talk Blair Witch project. I'm very keen to learn more about that campaign. I've been rather unsuccessful researching what they did.
we're talking about indie films. no one is paying for radio or bus ads. so you guys act like its done. i'm not asking cos i need the idea. I'll be fine with the campaign. you guys act like your holding on to secret knowledge. when all any of you guys do (i realize now) is message your fb friends before hand laughable.

I was just curious. I was going to do a press release etc. wondering what you indie guys do. i guess not much
Why are you unable to think for yourself, put the pieces together, come up with the obvious solution that Sweetie has tried very hard to help you understand?

'The Matrix' was sold to it's potential audience with very little footage from the movie itself. Do you not think you could do the same with your soon-to-be-live crowdfunding campaign?

no one here has matrix money do they? i'm talking about what you guys apparently do
Replace radio with social media and (local) press.
Now you just need to reach out to your target audience by offering something interesting.
Replace radio with social media and (local) press.
Now you just need to reach out to your target audience by offering something interesting.

This is my original point. People dont invest on fb . And local is so small. This wont make any difference in your overall campaign . Yet ppl on here said pre marketing was integral. i feel as though i've made my point . i was trying to prove myself wrong and get ideas. i think you guys were wrong. Even tweeting some movie idea without a campaign and trailor no ones gonna care
no one here has matrix money do they? i'm talking about what you guys apparently do

Even tweeting some movie idea without a campaign and trailor no ones gonna care

I'll put the quotes together to see if you can do the 1+1.

Everyone's watching you, the train wreck. I'm sure members are wishing they could place bets on how hard you'll fail.

Tick, tick, tick. Will your brain put it together? Will the penny drop?

no ones gonna care

The subconscious is a powerful thing. You'll prove yourself right, even if you have to unnecessarily sabotage your career in the process.

This wont make any difference in your overall campaign.

The Blair Witch Project. 248mil from 60k. No difference, right. Many consider the social media film marketing campaign they ran to be the determining factor in the success of this film.

It's easy to dismiss good ideas.
Hmmm.... How to start promoting my campaign, before the campaign has even launched...?

One thing that I might consider doing is joining a few forums; both film related and related to the subject matter of my planned movie. I'd contribute to those forums, chat with the people there, make a few friends/acquaintances from all over the world (some people refer to this sort of thing as "networking"....). When the time was right, I'd begin promoting my movie to those people. Then, when I started my campaign, hopefully a few of them might back me. Maybe a few of them would share my campaign with their friends. It might not be hugely successful, but it'd be better than nothing.

What I wouldn't do is join a forum, ask questions, then get all defensive and/or abusive when I received answers I didn't like.

What do you think would be a better option David?
We could talk Blair Witch project. I'm very keen to learn more about that campaign. I've been rather unsuccessful researching what they did.

Sweetie - I'm sure you've Googled it; lots of info comes up about what they did. Also, if you grab a copy of the DVD, most of the promotional material is on there. It's packed. It even includes the faux-documentary that was made, "The Curse Of The Blair Witch", which aired on American TV around the time of release. It really is excellent. There's lots to be learned from the "Blair Witch" marketing campaign.

Incidentally, "The Blair Witch Project" was the first DVD I ever purchased!
This is my original point. People dont invest on fb . And local is so small. This wont make any difference in your overall campaign . Yet ppl on here said pre marketing was integral. i feel as though i've made my point . i was trying to prove myself wrong and get ideas. i think you guys were wrong. Even tweeting some movie idea without a campaign and trailor no ones gonna care

You think you think big, while you think small.
I don't know where you live, but you make it sound like the local press is read by 3 people, a dog and 4 cows.
When I get a press release into the local newspaper in my hometown: 20,000 copies are spread. If it is in the local newspaper(s) of the Rotterdam metropol area you can add another 100,000.
Will all of them read it?
Will all of the readers care?
But if you truly have something interesting going on AND you 'remind them' (marketing is also about staying top of mind), because you are 'present' on social media as well they will follow you. And when the time comes your crowdfunding starts, you have followers who chose to stay in the loop for news, because they are interested. They could be the crowd that fund and/or help you reach into their network.
Because that is what crowdfunding is: reaching a crowd = networking.
(And that's why you should always start with friends, family and business relations, because that is the network you already have. That is a great starting point to reachout beyond your own network.)

Let's take a few steps back.
How do news media work?
How does an event, that is local, because every event is local, become national or global news?
Journalists use different sources:
- the emergency channels to hear about big fires, accidents, murders
- political sources & attending press conferences in the political heart of the town, city, state, nation, union or UN
- specialized media for scientific and medical news
- paparazzi, because somehow some people think it is interesting to know what someone is wearing :P
- their own experiences
- social media (to see what is a hot topic)
- press releases
- wading through local news to see if anything interesting stands out

Sometimes things stand out because it pops up in different channels, like the latter 3 you have the easiest access to.
You want it to be national news. That is a good ambition. But if it's not interesting enough for local news, it might not be interesting enough for national news media.
However: do not let that stop you from approaching all news media: local and national. Sometimes it becomes local news, because it reached national news first.
And the fun thing with pressreleases is that you can add published articles to them the next time you send them: giving social proof that it is 'news worthy'.

Social proof is also a facebook page or twitter account with a growing number of followers.

Nobody in here says people invest on facebook.
Facebook is just another stage to get the news out there, to engage with your target audience.

Talking about target audience: check out online communities, check out what print they read. Check out who the writers and editors are, who the 'idols' are.
Is it about girls surfing? Go follow Carissa Moore and find out how you can let her know about your project and share it with her followers.
Marketing is also about being where you target audience is.

And by being 'omnipresent' in general, social and niche media you will be more likely to trigger interested people to follow, to share and to fund.

Just remember: social media isn't just tweeting your movie idea.
It is most effective if you are socialising: react to people in your target audience, share things from others that are related to your movie.

It will always start small if you don't have the money to advertise on a large scale.
So thinking big involves starting smal. And yes, that takes effort.
But I can assure you, that if you do the effort of gathering a crowd that is interested in your project, before you start your crowdfunding campaign you'll have a head start.
For a number of reasons. I'll name 2:
- from day one you'll reach more people and you will have more people helping you by donating and sharing to reach more people
- a campaign that has a good start has more chance of being succesfull, because people like to join winners. If a campaign is running for a week and has raised $200,- of a $10,000 goal) others are more likely to think the project s#cks.

But if you think that approach is wrong, you will not do the effort to make it happen.
Actually, the past 4 months you could have setup social media to get followers.

BTW, you haven't anwsered any question about the phase you are in now and what the subject of your project is. That could help people in here you to help you better.

A while ago you gave the impression you already shot your feature and now you have no visuals to show?
Hmmm.... How to start promoting my campaign, before the campaign has even launched...?

One thing that I might consider doing is joining a few forums; both film related and related to the subject matter of my planned movie. I'd contribute to those forums, chat with the people there, make a few friends/acquaintances from all over the world (some people refer to this sort of thing as "networking"....). When the time was right, I'd begin promoting my movie to those people. Then, when I started my campaign, hopefully a few of them might back me. Maybe a few of them would share my campaign with their friends. It might not be hugely successful, but it'd be better than nothing.

What I wouldn't do is join a forum, ask questions, then get all defensive and/or abusive when I received answers I didn't like.

What do you think would be a better option David?

I didnt receive an answer until now so thanks I sure wasted enough time and frustration for it