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Any screenwriters willing to work for free and lend a hand?

I really wouldn't be surprised if this question was asked loads and loads here.
But I'm looking for someone to help me write a short, unfortunatley I won't be able to pay as I have no budget and I'm aware people may not be willing to work for free as screenwriting could be how they pay the bills.
But, since I don't have loads of time to write something all myself, I'm wondering if someone would be willing to help me write a screenplay for a short I'm working, I know what the plot, sequence of events and characters will be and it probably won't be that long.
Just post here and let me know if you're willing to lend a hand.

Many, many thanks :),
Problems is, most folks I know don't have loads of time to work on their own spec projects let alone write something for free for someone else. Although I did submit one of my short film scripts to a local Texas production company that's putting together a vignette based feature film (think New York Stories with a different theme). My short script fit the theme and they liked it a lot.

But that's really the only way I'd work for free, knowing that I'd get a screen credit and festival exposure. I need to spend whatever writing time I have available finishing my own feature script. I actually got something accomplished yesterday. Broke free from the outline and characterization phases and wrote the opening sequence. It's nice to see it beginning to take shape and see the characters come alive.

Good luck with your writing. You may find someone willing to help just to get experience, so don't let my thoughts discourage you.

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I really wouldn't be surprised if this question was asked loads and loads here.
But I'm looking for someone to help me write a short, unfortunately I won't be able to pay as I have no budget and I'm aware people may not be willing to work for free as screenwriting could be how they pay the bills.
But, since I don't have loads of time to write something all myself, I'm wondering if someone would be willing to help me write a screenplay for a short I'm working, I know what the plot, sequence of events and characters will be and it probably won't be that long.
Just post here and let me know if you're willing to lend a hand.

Many, many thanks :),

I'm in. I screenwrite no-budget movies anyway.
Others might find it cliché’ and could be right, but don’t not consider working the camcorder use
(referring to your minimalist horror and camcorder use threads) into your script concept.

Sometimes the practical limitations made into creative avenues can be the thing that makes stuff work.

Obviously you don’t want a text book cavalcade of shaky cam or bad sound, and ideally nice lighting would go a long long way, but being a 1st go at things if as a matter of course a few shots were less than stellar, then if the concept at least partially called for camcorder POV, then the creatively used limitation might work out more to your advantage as opposed to going into things with an epic cinematic masterpiece in mind, and a fixed lens VHS cam and 12 bucks to pull it all off.

If you have a strictly prop camera that we see a character with (And its use is part of the story), then having the option to cut to CAM POV footage might offer some additional options.
