Another Filmmaker


Based on my travels I provide a YouTube channel that documents UNESCO World Heritage sites, or national historic landmarks. A friend gave me a book called the Screenwriters Bible and this has inspired my interest in screenwriting. I definitely have some stories to tell. So I am here to learn about screenwriting beyond what I have already read.
The Screenwriter's Bible is a good book when it comes to formatting but it really isn't going to help you know, understand, and develop your craft if this in fact what you intend to do. Your best bet is to read as many screenplays as you can find. Unfortunately, most of what exists online are what we call shooting scripts... That is, they were created AFTER the spec screenplay or original screenplay sold.

Shooting scripts contain a lot of formatting that have no business being in a spec script but because those are mostly what exist online? That's what most wannabe screenwriters read and emulate and then when WE pick screenplays like that apart? The new screenwriter doesn't really understand what we're talking about because they saw what they saw and emulated in a script that actually went into production.

Spec screenplays are meant to be READ and create a visual in the reader's mind. A movie visual if you will. Hard to do that when you're emulating a shooting script with lots of formatting in there that simply slows the reading down.

So? Having said all that? I highly recommend the following book to anyone trying to write screenplays for the very first time:


Good luck!

EDIT: By the way... You can find the book available cheaper elsewhere. I've seen it for as little as $3.00 before on places like eBay. Just look around and find the best deal you can if you decide to give it a shot.
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Based on my travels I provide a YouTube channel that documents UNESCO World Heritage sites, or national historic landmarks. A friend gave me a book called the Screenwriters Bible and this has inspired my interest in screenwriting. I definitely have some stories to tell. So I am here to learn about screenwriting beyond what I have already read.
Hello fellow marylander!

I am 30 miles south of baltimore. Welcome to IT (indietalk) :)

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