Am I The Only One Who Doesn't Like "Avatar"?

James Cameron- "Yo man... I had a dream last night after you left. It was about a soldier who goes to a far away exotic planet with his army. He becomes one with the princess of the tribe that pretty much runs everything and falls in love to become one of them. Sounds sick right?"

His friend- "Dude, we watched Pocahontas last night... did you forget?

James Cameron- "Hahaha I'm so high"

But seriously, there was nothing special about that movie at all. The acting wasn't that great, the visuals weren't even what I expected. 3-D is just a gimmick as well.

overall the movie was average at best. Nothing that deserved the recognition it got. Nothing original from that movie.
the visuals weren't even what I expected.

Nothing original from that movie.

What did you expect? Given that the visuals were like nothing before, why did you expect them to be so much better?

For all the problems that I have with Avatar originality isn't really one. I have a suspiscion that the story was built around the technology, but, at the end of the day, it was an ocular rather than cerebral revolution.

But this is an old argument and one that goes nowhere. I enjoyed Titanic a lot, but everyone 'in the know' enjoys telling me how bad the film is. Taste is taste is taste.
Taste is taste is taste.

I agree with this completely.
I mean, personally I didn't like Titanic at all, it just didn't really do anything for me.
But then, at the same time, there are films I absolutely love that other people I know hate (David Lynch films, Audition etc.)
Nope. I thought it sucked on toast. Visual power does not always make up for a boring, insanely derivative story and unremarkable performances. I understand a lot of people liked it, and that's cool. It's all preference. I just really didn't like the damn thing at all.
I finally did get to see it a while ago-to sum up:

Cameron certainly raised the bar on CGI effects, and had some crafty editing, so I had no complaints about his direction.

The script was disappointing to me. The acting was average at best. The story, if they had focussed entirely on his spiritualy journey, and left out the military stuff, would have been better IMO (but I like stories like that)

And I didn't like "unobtainium", it was too "obvious" a name.

Other than the CGI, the film was meh for me personally.
I appreciate your honesty, but this is a mentality I just don't understand.

I do not like the movie "300" one bit. Nor do I like any of the "Twighlight" movies. Okay, so they're not the top grossing films of all time, but you can definitely call them "successful", and there are more than enough people who do like them. But you'll never find me hating on them. If you ask my opinion, I'll tell you, but you won't find me going out of my way to hate on them.

Avatar-haters go way out of their way to tell you how lousy they think this movie is. They dig up news articles and post them on Facebook, as if to somehow legitamize their contempt. That kind of weirds me out. Why does the success of a movie make you angry? And why do you care that there are so many people who do like this movie? I just don't understand.
Because anyone with a non-nihilistic attitude hates it when crap succeeds?
Because anyone with a non-nihilistic attitude hates it when crap succeeds?

Everybody's Favorite Thread has been resurrected!


I don't know, dude. I'm certainly not nihilistic, in any way. And you know what? It doesn't bug me, not one bit, that so many people like the "Twilight" movies. They can do their thing, and it doesn't effect me. So, again, if a "Twilight" fan asks for my opinion, I will be honest, but that's where it stops.
I love Twilight.

*Team Bella*

I guess I'm Team Bella, as well, but only because those Mystery Science Theater guys make fun of her, way more than anyone else, in their hilarious Rifftrax. Poor kid.

PTP, ROC's identity is no longer a secret; I've been stalking him for a few months now, taking photos and everything. I got some pretty good ones at the beach, last weekend. Nice abs, I must admit.

I'm gonna have to dress up for the sequel. I'm thinking I'll go as one of those robot-walking-thingies -- you know, the one that they borrowed from the set of "Aliens". I'd go as one of the Omaticaya, except I'm not so sure that being naked and blue would really compliment my BEEFCAAAAKE physique.

P.S. You're at least a little bit of an Avatard, if you can tell me who the Omaticaya are.