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A starter project?

Since I have never successfully finished a good story in my life, I would like some suggestions on topics that can be written short and to the point. I enjoy narratives the most, like sci-fi and such. I can never think of a good storyline that can be short and remain strong. Mostly, I need something so that I can actually have a completed work to call my own.

Any suggestions on such topics?
Or maybe just a few words to help me form an idea?
Not so much topics, but here are some random ideas that might get the motor going.

*Try the “What If?” game and summon up a premise:

What if - A guy had 24 hours to live?
What if - A girl's dog started talking smack to her?
What if - Some kids ordered a camera from ebay and found stolen royal jewels in it?

What if- A scientist trying to cure himself of some kind of OCD accidentally discovered a cure for cancer, but because of his own affliction couldn’t decide on a name for it?

*Think of a beginning, a middle and an end.
*Start short so you don’t get bored or lost half way.
*Set a page limit so you keep it simple and short.
*Think of a story from the end to the beginning so you don’t not have an ending.
*Try two line step outlines to tell your story all the way through 1st, then write scenes.
*Investigate some genre/plot types.
*Investigate classic tales, myths, fables, stories.

*Try things like:
Attack of the (Bubble wrap!)
Revenge of the (Plankton!)
It came from (Joey’s Sister!)
It came from (The Dollar Store!)

Whatever you do, stay short and finish it come hell or high water.

I'm glad I could make someone laugh.

But something at some point has struck a creative nerve and I have formed an idea for a super short film. It may have been something someone said that ultimately led to it, so thank you.

And Zensteve, I do want to be a filmmaker, but my plans are set more along the lines of writing.
Sometimes, you just go out and film something. No plans, no script, maybe not even any actors, just go out with the idea that your going to film something. Come back put all the stuff you just filmed on the computer and then somehow add a story to it and then you got a short. My production company (its not only mine it's me and my 3 friends) did that a few times took a bunch of shots and put them into a story. It eventually just became a part of the group thing. Each one of us has to do it eventually.


^^^ Bunch of random shots cut together the story was added later.

That spawned this quasi sequel...


Take from it what you will, those were some of our first shorts ever. Started out with no story just filming stuff we thought looked cool. :)
I use a storyboard when I write feature scripts. It's essential to keep everything organized and makes it easier to see problem areas and fix them.

For a short? *shrug* Depends on how organized you are and how complex the story is.

I suspect everyone is different. I read an interview with an A-List screenwriter who said he never storyboarded a script in his life. He just sits down and starts banging it out.


(of course he could be a lying mofo who wants everyone to think he's superman and get you off your game. Competition, baby!)
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Well, now the ideas are flowing and I may finish this thing within the week. It's supposed to be visually pleasing, so the script will probably be a lot more plain than what I see in my mind. Even so, should I post the script to be criticized?
Ok, ok. I'm trying. Considering I have absolutely nothing else to do, it shouldn't take too terribly long.
And it isn't so much that I'm worried what people will think, it's just that they won't see those little details in my mind. I'll try my best to put it on paper though, and I may just post the storyboard as well.
I hope you realise the irony of posting asking for ideas for you to use to come with something original of your own??

A lot people shoot without scripts, just brief outlines of characters and improvise from there, I think Lars Von Trier and the Dogme 95 movement sometimes did that as part of their pared down movement of making movies

If you have an idea get a couple of actors and see where it takes you