2 openings at Deathworld Mansion: Apply Now

The problem I have is this? What evidence is there that if a group of 8 guys got together without any connections in the industry or advertising world, that work would come along? Even wedding work. We go along in this industry thinking this will happen and that will happen. I see very little evidence of anything happening without somebody knowing somebody. So therein lies my fear.

I admit that what Nick is saying is going through a lot of people's minds. I'm going through the phased financing plans for Deathworld. And to be completely honest, I feel like I don't have the expertise to be of any help in this kind of project. It is too big for someone like me. But I would most definitely like to be part of a production company of other like minded hungry people.

I gotta go. I got a few more questions that are also not answered, regarding ownership, etc. But I don't know if I should ask them in this public forum. But I feel that if such considerations are openly discussed, a lot more people would have less reservations.

I hope I did not step on any toes by making my thoughts public Nate, but I feel like I wanted to discuss them here. After all I ask for advice on many issues regarding whatever it is I'm thinking about regarding filmmaking, on this forum.


Question 1: knowing people.

A: I know some people, and while no specific jobs are set in stone without us filming a single demo reel, I do have several connections for work, and more importantly will be working constantly on the group's behalf to secure as many good and hopefully recurring contracts as possible. Not every swing is a home run, but I keep at it, and sometimes we get good results. I currently have 2-3 good leads that could provide us with real work. I can hold my own in a conversation with an investor, and that's valuable as well. I know some people that can make things happen if they are impressed with the caliber of our work.

Question 2: what good can I be to something the scale of Deathworld?

You might be surprised. Or you might need training. Either way, there is a way.

Question 3: is it ok to ask questions or talk openly

Absolutely. Things aren't perfect, aren't sure here, I'm just making the strongest effort possible to create a win scenario, and I want to be honest about that. I'm not promising that people we haven't even met yet will buy our services. But I will try to get them to. And I won't stop the first time someone says no. It's about a sustained effort against a statistical problem.

I can't promise you'll like every response, but I will answer your questions to the best of my ability.

I can understand both sides of this enterprise, as well as the healthy skepticism. The one thing I think would be most pertinent is determining what this core group of filmmakers are entitled to IF and WHEN the whole production gets greenlighted. I would hate to think a bigger budget would push some of these guys out in favor of a better-known, industry professional. (That's not to say one of the core couldn't turn out to be a bust, nor that *they* couldn't compete with a pro) I guess what I'm suggesting is to have some sort of legal document which allows *you* to continue (to the financed version or phase~ whatever you want to call it) or some sort of contract buyout if this relationship doesn't flourish as expected. Then again, I guess these are the risks one would have to take?

It is a HUGE deal to me that we do not get pushed out of our own project. That's the entire reason behind phase 1. I've literally worked twice as hard as I'd otherwise have to so that we could create a structure where that wouldn't be the default result. Remember, I don't want to be replaced either, and that means not just selling them a movie, but selling them a team. (investors)

Actually I'm a landlord myself. :D And I tell tenants what the deposits are, the cleaning fees, and what you get for what you pay. That stuff has to be crystal clear if you want to avoid problems. And yet the ad has this parsed language, every word seems to be teased and oh so carefully chosen.

The ad says "Move in cost is only $1,400" and THEN you pay $700 a month rent. The $1400 sounds like the buy in for the pay to play -- if it was a first and last month's rent presumably it'd say that. But instead we get this ambiguous language.

A lot of red flags here. That's why there so much skepticism.

The damage deposit on this house is actually $11,000

I'm paying half of it for you, that 1400 is one months rent and half of the deposit. I'm doing everything I can, but cash flow is not good 2 months before the first paid gig comes in. I'm paying about 5500 More than anyone else. Not to mention getting us some critical equipment to work with (70k), and making some important connections to make this feasable. Not to mention months of work creating a central project worth everyones time. Not to mention creating a structure that can make effecient use of our collective capabilities. That's a pretty good offering to come free with your room. Nobody pops up and tries to help me in this way, I wish they would. So I'm trying to offer others what I would want.

I tried to pay for everything outright, but I ran out of money. As soon as I can get serious investors, I will take over half the rent as well. I will make the strongest possible attempt to provide a living wage, and all efforts will be in that direction.

It's a cart and horse issue from the beginning. If I have 20 grand, I get an opportunity to try to raise the 20 grand I need to back a loan for 20 grand to get the work to back the loan. Arrrrggghhh!

So rather than solve this "rich get richer, poor get poorer" rubick's cube. I'm asking 7 of you to help me smash it. It's a brute force hack for those of us that don't have the means to secure a startup loan.
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This thread is a GOOD thing. Ask more questions, particularly DirectoRick.
Nate your coming off a bit defensive, and thats understandable but its still feels negative.

From talking with Nate he is perfectly willing to answer the hard questions.

Here are a few hard questions:

What makes you, Nate, think you can pull this off?


That's probably a bigger question than anything, but not just about Nate.

I think I asked before about a reel or something but never saw any of the work from this group. Does anything exist on the web?

I know Nate did a timelapse documentary, other than that I've seen Machinima with mo-graph layed over it.

I haven't seen any shorts, live action commercials, etc. As someone interested in what's going on, that would be my major deciding factor. Me, personally, I'll follow good work around no problem.
That's probably a bigger question than anything, but not just about Nate.

I think I asked before about a reel or something but never saw any of the work from this group. Does anything exist on the web?

I know Nate did a timelapse documentary, other than that I've seen Machinima with mo-graph layed over it.

I haven't seen any shorts, live action commercials, etc. As someone interested in what's going on, that would be my major deciding factor. Me, personally, I'll follow good work around no problem.

I've been without a camera for some time, and had to wait almost 7 months for the epic. I've had use of it for 1 day now. Red did not deliver the power supply until last wed, and I don't take out a 70k camera alone for safety reasons. You will get your reels, believe me, you will get your reels. I make film compulsively, I love it, I can't stop. As soon as the crew is here, you will start to see a constant outpouring of good material. I just need a little more time and this aspect will be resolved.

I've tried hard to produce good work with no help and amidst financial adversity, but have always found a lack of help and resources so limiting as to keep me from putting what I wanted on screen.

I might note that I've posted several good commercials, original AE and 3ds max work, original vue work, and a variety of hdr and experimental work. The CGI for the original move in pitch is also original, as is the concept artwork in much of the PDF. I have released the first epic light test, and while I don't think I'll qualify for sundance with it, it does show a baseline for production that meets marketable standards.

I don't mean to sound defensive, but I've produced some good work within my current means, and worked hard to extend those means. Give me just a little more time, and I'll impress you with something real. I can do a great deal more than I've been able to show pre camera. Could I have made something with a cheap camera? Yes, I could have, but remember, I'm a colorist, to me cheap camera footage looks horrible, and I wouldn't have enjoyed producing some grainy colorless short. My youtube days are over.
I might note that I've posted several good commercials, original AE and 3ds max work, original vue work, and a variety of hdr and experimental work. The CGI for the original move in pitch is also original, as is the concept artwork in much of the PDF. I have released the first epic light test, and while I don't think I'll qualify for sundance with it, it does show a baseline for production that meets marketable standards.

Oh okay I missed that footage. and the commercials. Got a link?
Oh okay I missed that footage. and the commercials. Got a link?








Video copilot project for the initial fly in, but all original after that.




And there are literally hundreds more, and of course 4 at the beginning of this thread.

But I might ad, that none of this is representative of what 8 guys can do with an Epic.
A: Y I'm curious why you think I'd shoot myself in the foot and turn on my friends at first opportunity. What is it that make your thoughts turn in that direction? .

Because I don't know you from Jesus and I'm not naive. As Tennessee William said, "The world is lit by lightning". Not to mention, the parsed language used in your ad which is always a red flag.

Okay, more quesitons:

I still don't get this. All the participants will stay in the house and make their own separate reels while you're outside networking to get them paying jobs?
Are the 7 reels promos for Deathworld AND self promos? A two birds with one stone thing?
And it almost sounds as if the jobs you'll be attempting to provide for the 7 housemates aren't related to Deathworld, or are they? And if the jobs aren't related to Deathworld, what's the point of having them in the house since they won't have time for Deathworld?
Nothing sounds too strange here to me.

1. Pay your (cheap for Cali) rent.

2. Work preproduction on a feature that you're investing in and are part owner of, while building a team of filmmakers.

3. If there is video work in the meantime, do it together to help pay the rent and build the team.

Honestly, it's not for me at this point in life either, but if the situation were different I'd probably jump on it.

Good luck with it guys!

PS: I did get to meet Nate at NAB in April and had lunch with him. He seems like a solid guy who wants to make movies and is doing his best to make a practical way to get a foot in the door.

I'll be following the Deathworld updates fo sho.
Paul, you pretty much nailed it. And thanks for the well-wishes!

Brian, I'll try my best to clear up anything up, and answer your questions. First, though, I think it's worth noting that if there is any wording in the ad, that you find suspicious, then Nate's only crime is in not choosing his words more carefully. Besides Paul's account of having lunch with him, there are three people in this thread who have had extensive phone conversations with Nate -- myself, SinEater, and wheatgrinder. All three of us have reached the same conclusion -- that Nate is on the up-and-up, and this is a very exciting project.

Okay, to answer your questions -- no, we will not be working on commercial work, and "Deathworld", simultaneously. The ultimate goal is "Deathworld". But that is an expensive project, and requires funding. If Nate secures that funding, then we work exclusively on "Deathworld". If the funding for "Deathworld" doesn't come through (or if it takes a while), then we look to take on whatever commercial projects we can get, so that we can pay rent.

The reels that each person is able to take out of this experience, would be from whatever work we have done, from commercial work, or "Deathworld", or whatever. Hypothetically, somebody might want to shoot some additional stuff, solely for the purpose of their reel, but I can't imagine that'd be necessary.

The reason(s) for having everyone in the same house are the same, whether we are doing "Deathworld", or commercial projects. Reason #1 -- it eliminates the cost of renting a separate space for the home-base of this production company. Reason #2 -- everyone who is joining the team is interested in a very intense work schedule, and being together will help facilitate that.

If you still have questions, I'd say Paul's succinct summary, above, is about all the info you need to understand it. The only thing Paul didn't completely get right is that he said we're all investing in "Deathworld", whereas we actually won't be doing "Deathworld", unless we get funding for it.

A page or two back, wheatgrinder also posted a very informative message, explaining why someone might want to do this.

The bottom line is that if anyone is contemplating doing this, they should call Nate. All you have to lose is a phone call.
I'd like to thank Cracker, Wheat, and Paul for their kind words, and for being here to help explain some of this at times when I have to be away from the forums to attend to the many tasks associated with this undertaking.

They have encapsulated well what needed to be said here.

I'd like to specifically reinforce that last comment. Working in the advertising industry for several years may have made my dialogue come off as a bit commercial, but if you talk to me on the phone for a while, or meet me in person, I think you'll see a different side. All I can do is make myself available for that, afterwards, it's up to you.
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While this has been a rousing discussion, we've kind of strayed from an important topic, which is, would anyone else like to consider filling the one remaining slot?

We have only about 15 days left to pay our initial move in cost, so it's important that I hear from people that have an interest in actually joining, as well as the devil's advocate types.

As far as Brian's question about the reels, it's seriously the least of our problems. We'll be producing tons of footage, and there will be more than enough to go around for demo reels. In addition I don't see a problem with individuals shooting their own specific reels on the weekends. Overall, there will be no difficulty whatsoever in coming out of this project with a professional reel.

In terms of this being some kind of scheme, I'd say investing over 80k of my own cash to get someone to rent a room for 700 bucks seems like a pretty poor quality scheme. If I wanted to be a dishonest person that took large sums of money for virtually no reason and hurt those around me for profit, I'd just try to pass the California bar exam.

Sorry for the double post, but this thread got dragged way off topic, and was dying off from lost focus without achieving it's original goal.

As far as the important question posed earlier, "what makes you think you can do this" it's a complex answer. It has a lot more to do with business and money than it does with film. Short answer, it's because in time I can make a case for the overall project as a profitable scenario for large investors, and because I have some access to these investors when the time comes.
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I will broadcast the opportunity through my 12k followers on Twitter and find a very qualified person for the last opening, if noone jumps on in the next few hours from here. It's too good an opportunity to be wasted on those needing convincing.
I will broadcast the opportunity through my 12k followers on Twitter and find a very qualified person for the last opening, if noone jumps on in the next few hours from here. It's too good an opportunity to be wasted on those needing convincing.

Not the best PR spin, here.

Indietalkers are very interested in Nate's project. I know I will be following Deathworld's progress quite closely. Seems like he's gotten some very good responses and commitments from fellow Indietalkers. Some of us just aren't in the position to contribute, either because of our own huge projects or personal reasons. I wish him the best and think he's attempting something few have attempted before. Kudos to him.

Just curious, but what is the last position to be filled?
Not the best PR spin, here.

Indietalkers are very interested in Nate's project. I know I will be following Deathworld's progress quite closely. Seems like he's gotten some very good responses and commitments from fellow Indietalkers. Some of us just aren't in the position to contribute, either because of our own huge projects or personal reasons. I wish him the best and think he's attempting something few have attempted before. Kudos to him.

Just curious, but what is the last position to be filled?

I think Rob's just having a rough couple of days, like many of us he's very enthusiastic about the project, and like myself doesn't understand some of the negativity directed towards our offer.

Personally I really appreciate the support of many people on this forum that have either joined outright, or voiced their support or interest.

There are 2 positions still available, though trueindie is a tentative on one of them, and a local is talking about renting the last room as an office space, so those interested may wish to speak up soon.

The two positions we need filled the worst are, Sound design/production sound, and set design. It might be worth noting however that individuals will not be permanently constrained to one job and that roles are somewhat flexible. Because this is an indie film community, most incoming members fall squarely into the "jack of all trades" category, and we'll try to make that into an asset as opposed to a liability.
Time is getting very short on this, so if anyone is interested, you have about 10 days to get in on this. Things are going very well with the project, and I think this could very well be one of the best opportunities you will find to start working and training with a fully equipped film crew on serious jobs. Should be really fun also, we have a great group of people already.

Inquire via phone at 408-676-6479
If my life circumstances were different, I'd be on this like white on rice. Alas...

Best of luck to you guys, though! I look forward to keeping an eye on the project.
If my life circumstances were different, I'd be on this like white on rice. Alas...

Best of luck to you guys, though! I look forward to keeping an eye on the project.

I'm with you...if only this was at a different time. I'll also be watching with a keen/jealous eye. ;)
If my life circumstances were different, I'd be on this like white on rice. Alas...

Best of luck to you guys, though! I look forward to keeping an eye on the project.

Thanks Dready!

Those new commercials are incredible. Are you any closer to making a decision on those remote positions?

We think we could use you, joshL, and several others, wheat is definitely in. We are actually trying to figure out the logistics and contracts to let way more people in. I'll get back to you.

This thread is a GOOD thing. Ask more questions, particularly DirectoRick.
Nate your coming off a bit defensive, and thats understandable but its still feels negative.

From talking with Nate he is perfectly willing to answer the hard questions.

Here are a few hard questions:

What makes you, Nate, think you can pull this off?

Have you secured the option to the script?

Do you have some PROOF that Harry Harrison is your bud?

How will you pay the rent in February? March?


I'll be honest, pulling this off is far from a sure thing, and it will depend on a variety of factors. In general what I can say for sure is that we have a fighting chance, and that we are starting from an above par base with Harry involved, and with the materials we have already developed.

We have secured the option.

I sent you proof that Harry and I are connecting.

As we get into february and march the likelyhood of having and income stream is dramatically increased, rather than decreased. The risky months are december and January. If we can make it 105 days, we can make it the year. One of the major issues is the deposit, which I could only pay about half of. That will put serious financial strain on us at the time we can afford it the least. I'm trying right now to borrow that money longer term, and if I can do that, we can be stable at a very reasonable income per person.

We still have 2 slots available, and we really need these types

CGI artist
Production sound/foley/ambient design
Set design/model builders

If I had to pick the one type we need the most it would be a sound guy. I can do it myself and am equipped, but I'm already pretty stacked with responsibilities, so it would be a huge help to have a dedicated audio tech.