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  1. P

    Properly Labeling Shots and Scenes

    After you guys have your screenplay written and you are putting together a shooting script that lays out each shot and scene. How do you guys label it? Let's say we have an exterior scene of a man parking his car in the driveway, getting out, checking his mail and then his neighbor comes up and...
  2. P

    Best way to get a GH2?

    Now that the GH2 has been discontinued for quite awhile, I was just curious if you guys got any tips for picking up a GH2. I searched around for a while but couldn't find anything exactly pertaining to this topic on this forum. So is eBay literally all that's left? Because that is the only thing...
  3. P

    Planning a plan on how to properly plan

    Well I wrote a blog post on my website talking about how I am planning now on how to properly plan for my upcoming films. Here is the link for it, I will copy paste the main parts for it into here but just in case you wanna check it out...
  4. P

    watch Lumens - Jackie Chan inspired action flick

    Check it out guys. I'd love to get some real harsh truthful critique for this. Heavily inspired by Jackie Chan's style of action films, hope you guys enjoy.
  5. P

    Royalty Free Sound Pack

    I got a pack of some royalty free sounds here now. Random stuff. They are all .wav files and were recorded on my Zoom H4. If you guys use any of the sounds then make sure to follow the terms of use, which is that you can use the sounds in anything! All you have to do is credit
  6. P

    Lots of Audio Questions

    So I have quite a few questions on audio and I know there are a couple of you out there who just love answering these questions (Alcove and APE, I'm looking for you!) I've browsed around and been holding on these questions for a while but they are pretty specific and I haven't found answers for...
  7. P

    Free Royalty Free Stock Footage!

    Free AND Royalty Free Stock Footage! I got a few clips together and made a little stock video pack. I am releasing it all royalty free and free of charge. There isn't too much that is special in there but check it out and maybe you can find something useful in there. Also there is a short...
  8. P

    watch The Bush - Super 8 Film

    Well this was the first project for my film class. It was shot on super 8mm film and it was actually a lot of fun. It is a non narrative and the point of it is to get a series of shots from a single location and order them in such a way that there is some consistency of graphical matching from...
  9. P

    In Camera Frame Rates

    I have a canon vixia hf r11 and in the menus of the camera there are frame rate settings of 24p 30p and the default (for the camera) 60i. So I've messed around changing the frame rates and I noticed regardless it seems to actually save the files as 60i, when I media info the video files on the...
  10. P

    Edit my signature

    I cannot figure out where to find the area to edit my signature that goes below all my posts. I have seen people with signatures but I looked all through my User CP and can't find it.. now that I'm thinking of it though all the people I have seen, I think have been the premiere members. Do you...
  11. P

    Clickity Clow Productions

    Figured I'd post all my stuff here to possibly get some promotion. I am currently writing a blog on my website. I try to come out with something every few days but that doesn't always happen. I usually write about whatever is going on in the current project I am working on. That's for my...
  12. P

    Post Production Sound?

    I was wondering what do you guys mainly use as your source for post production sound effects, music, environment, etc. The last film I was working on I got a few things off of soundsnap and got my music from the oh so generous kevin macleod from incompetech.. but I am wondering what you guys all...
  13. P

    watch Loss - My first short thriller

    Well I've never been too much into thrillers or horror movies but a few weeks ago I wanted to give it a shot and come out with something by Halloween. So here I am. So some things I'd like to get feedback on are my lighting, the acting, does the story make sense, does it make your heart pound...