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Clickity Clow Productions

Figured I'd post all my stuff here to possibly get some promotion. I am currently writing a blog on my website. I try to come out with something every few days but that doesn't always happen. I usually write about whatever is going on in the current project I am working on. That's for my website.

I also have a twitter, youtube, and facebook that you can follow if you are interested in it. The twitter I will post random bits of things going on in my filming and maybe some small things I am working on such as a handheld camera rig I built today. Facebook I don't post too much on, just once again updating people on project statuses. And the youtube of course has the videos. If you are willing to like comment subscribe and/or follow on all these things then I would greatly appreciate it.

Website: http://clickityclow.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/clickityclow
Twitter: http://twitter.com/theclickityclow
Youtube: http://youtube.com/theclickityclow

Also if you follow me on any of these things and would like me to follow you back I am perfectly willing and happy to do so! Thanks!
Thanks man I appreciate it! I plan on trying to come out with something every few weeks. In the planning stages of the next one.