Search results

  1. P

    Race and Film (I know I Know)

    I know, I's a tired conversation. But let me give an different perspective.. As a black director who’s at the bottom floor of Film production (meaning the budget of my productions is whatever I can come with after the income of 2 jobs minus rent, the cost of a daily meal and child...
  2. P

    tv Just in Time for Black History Month-Black Hollywood TV

    My Name is Micah. I am not only a filmmaker but a film lover..While trying to get one of my films financed I kept all running into the same wall-Agents/companies who kept on saying .."I don't know if we have a market for something like this right now"-Majority of scripts that I write involves...
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    Social Media and Indie Film

    I'm curious on people thoughts about the future of distributing films through Social Media websites such as Twitter and Facebook. With Media continuing to shift and move outside of the theatres and more onto mobile devices, will it be a time where you can watch a popular movie at your local...
  4. P

    watch Feature Film shown exclusively on Facebook

    This feature film will be shown through it's Facebook page..Come check it out..
  5. P

    Filmmaking on an Unemployment Budget

    So for the last few years I been trying to direct a film that I have written. Something always happen that made me put it off to next year-Majority money problems. Once I found a decent job-the dream of directing a film kind of faded away-I was making good money...I was enjoying life. Or so I...
  6. P

    watch Man Meets Woman

    Woman likes man...Woman gives man the time of his life. Check out The Trailer to my film-Writer's Block