Search results

  1. G

    TV Pilot Pitch

    After many rewrites and polishing, you should have the script copyrighted. Then you should show it to some loyal colleagues that work in the industry and ask for feedback. Bear in mind that while selling/pitching a TV pilot you're dealing with some television moguls that do not tolerate any...
  2. G

    Adobe or Final Cut? Please help!

    Final Cut is becoming industry standard, so why not buy it and master it? I've never come across a job opportunity requesting Adobe Premiere proficiency. (Maybe someone has?) However, that said, Photoshop is big, so if you like working on it, you have a bit of a dilemma. I love Photoshop and I...
  3. G

    What's the Protocol for...

    The WGA explains: If there is no source material (novel, play, article, etc.) and the same writers receive credit for both the story and screenplay, the credit is "written by". The "story by" credit is used when the basic narrative structure was originally written with intent to be used for a...
  4. G

    Do you care about back story?

    All savvy comments. I personally think that backstory is absolutely essential. Without backstory, the characters come across as flat caricatures instead of round and three dimensional. But this is subjective. Who knows. Your script might have enough tension or conflict to keep us interested...
  5. G

    UCLA, USC, or Chapman?

    Indeed, USC is the film school with best reputation. If money is not a problem (especially if the government is paying instead of your parents), then this should be your first choice. There's a lot of prestige involved. UCLA is the most competitive. I believe they only admit 25 students each...
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    Filming at a TV/PC Screen

    I think you should change your shutter speed until the camera's "frequency" matches the monitor's. You might have to tweak for a while until the lines are gone or minimized. Notice that each shutter speed setting will result in a different thickness of the lines. Also, you shouldn't get the...
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    Why did you think it was funny? Technically, "director" is even a broader term (since it includes positions outside the motion picture realm), but I know you meant "film director." Well, you're young. The road is long ahead of you. Don't give up and, while you're here, make the best out of us...
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    Newbie Film Maker First Film Advice...

    A few items from my wish list: extension cords, a dolly, dolly tracks, steadycam, lights, filters, a boom mic, tripod, apple boxes, c-stands...
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    Welcome to the forum, AlexanderH! Here you should make some friends and learn a few tricks. "Filmmaker" is a broad term. What do you see yourself doing? Any preferences or dreams?
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    Canon Rebel T2i/550D Quality Issues?

    The link you posted takes us to an error page. It would be nice to compare something you shot with what you want to mimic. Without seeing either one, I should remind you that you need lenses and lighting. Don't expect the camera to do the work for you.
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    archived-videos curiosity

    I was so freakin' disappointed when it ended after 10 seconds. This is actually a compliment... I like your style and wanted the film to keep going. I wanna see what you're able to do next. I saw your other computer animation test. Just as good. I know nothing of animation, so let me ask you...
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    archived-videos Booger Man

    Hats off to you because I don't even know how to start if I wanted to do that... Which programs did you use?
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    not sure if film making is for me

    Cracker Funk, I appreciate your counter-point. In fact, I too move from one interest to another constantly (although I never stray away too far from the filmmaking circle). Experimenting and tasting different things is indeed healthy and enlightening. With so many members playing "good cop,"...
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    not sure if film making is for me

    I don't wanna be the one to burst your bubble, but I should alert you that, if you're not sure filmmaking is for you, then it probably isn't. I think most of us in the industry knew/know for sure that filmmaking is for us. Most of us cannot imagine ourselves doing anything outside the film...
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    Experienced Directors. Your first films. They sucked, right?

    Ingredients without a recipe... Bullet-point list of what I learned: Lighting matters Acting matters Story matters Set design matters Location matters Sound matters Editing matters The list may look dumb in its obviousness, but I myself used to always neglect some of those elements while...
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    Newbie alert!

    Welcome and make yourself home!
  18. G

    movies What's the last film you watched? And rate it!

    The King's Speech: A 12 Angry Men: A+ Black Swan: A + True Grit: B The Tourist: C+ I've been watching a lot of recent releases, but I saw "12 Angry Men" a few weeks back. That one is my top pick from the list; definitely a film that all cinephiles and critics MUST watch at least once.
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    archived-videos Virtue - First Short Film - Looking for Criticism

    By the way, I didn't mention much about the story in my first post because I understand that what you have there is an exercise. I know you're still learning the basics of directing and cinematography. Naturally, sooner or later you will have to also master techniques of storytelling, but I...