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plot Crescendo

So this plot is inspired by a particular scene in a Satyajit Ray Film. Don't know how many of you have heard of him, but he was the only Indian to receive an Oscar.

An unknown federation of extra-terrestrial races is abducting the world's best musicians and singers from all over the world and bringing them together in their spaceships. After assembling them, the large body of musicians and singers are hypnotized by the ETs to compel them to commit to their mission. The mission is to bring an end to violence and wars through the power of Music wherever on Earth a large crowd is causing chaos.

The hypnotism was so intense, that after its completion, the aftermath was like a reverberation that acted as a drive for the musicians to be totally committed to this bold and novel purpose.

So the mission began, and the ETs arrived wherever there was a riot or civil unrest, these musicians were vectored down from the spaceships into the midst of the chaos, where through their powerful music, they were able to transform the crowd into an intense guilt-driven emotional state, where the situation not only pacified but also simultaneously led to an act of compassion and Love.

The finale happens in a war zone, where on the sidelines, these musicians initiated a perpetuation of a Love Song.
The soldiers were beguiled and reluctant to react at first, but with the steady rise of the Crescendo, they became receptive. Following that,
some of the musicians rushed to the soldiers, handed them a rose, and exchanged hugs. Then the real transformation happened, some retreated from the battlefield crying wildly, and some continued to exchange hugs. The sky bled rain. In the end, the ETs revealed their presence and the whole scene was alive with Love.

I think I am overdoing it, I would appreciate your feedback.
I see this as a graphic novel... I don't think you're necessarily overdoing it but soldiers about to go into battle aren't going to be as receptive as you describe so it's going to need a little more finesse to GET them to BECOME receptive.

Good luck!
Would be a cool music video because I could see this playing out in 4 minutes set to the right song.
The idea is very positive and you deserve credit for wanting to pursue it.

The song itself concerns me. If the song does not cause the audience to feel it, they might have a hard time believing that soldiers embroiled in mortal conflict would just stop fighting and defending themselves to listen to it. Also, the musicians; are they standing there with acoustic instruments or were they beamed down with amps and a mixing board? Seriously. Wars and riots are loud. I understand there is such a thing as suspension of disbelief but that brings me back to my concern. If the song is not 100 times better than John Lennon singing 'imagine all the people'.......
Thank you, everybody, for your insightful responses.

It's the "finesse" that concerns me because I'm a total novice in this field.

I need help, guidance, and collaboration if anyone is interested.

Also, do have any thoughts on the screenwriters who are ideal for this plot?

So if I cannot contact them, atleast take their approach to write as guidance.

Also, the idea of a music video is also great, but I'm curious to know whether music videos are based on screenwriting too.

Because as you all say, the strength of the screenplay will be vital with the universal idea of "show not tell".

and at last the songs, the greatest concern. How about John Lennon singing rock or metal

Because I feel it needs a rebellious and extremist tone.
Thank you, everybody, for your insightful responses.

It's the "finesse" that concerns me because I'm a total novice in this field.

I need help, guidance, and collaboration if anyone is interested.

Also, do have any thoughts on the screenwriters who are ideal for this plot?

So if I cannot contact them, atleast take their approach to write as guidance.

Also, the idea of a music video is also great, but I'm curious to know whether music videos are based on screenwriting too.

Because as you all say, the strength of the screenplay will be vital with the universal idea of "show not tell".

and at last the songs, the greatest concern. How about John Lennon singing rock or metal

Because I feel it needs a rebellious and extremist tone.
Let me tell you the truth about screenwriters in Hollywood... LOL.

Most do not want to help anyone. They may help out a friend or someone who's helped them at some point during their journey but by and large? Industry screenwriting is DOG EAT DOG. I mean hey... The WGA makes it this way. As long as a NEW screenwriter changes a script somewhere around 35%? They can now claim "Screenplay by" credit and the original screenwriter gets knocked down to "Story by" credit.

So? What do you think most screenwriters DO who are called on to work on a script? In my experience? They try to rewrite as much as possible and at least that precious 35% so they can claim their credit because HOLLYWOOD runs on credit.

So even if I were to toss a few screenwriters' contact information your way? None are going to be interested because this is simply an IDEA at this point. Professional screenwriters -- most of them -- well -- now that I've thought about that -- a majority of them -- come up with their own ideas and stories.

They do of course take on writing gigs but those are PAID writing gigs. If you can't pay? They're not gonna be interested.

Not saying that's a bad thing either... We all have our bills to pay. You have to understand that taking on someone else's screenplay for little or no pay or some "promise" of future payment just ain't gonna pay any bills. That's an extremely HEAVY commitment to take on because we're obviously talking at least MONTHS of work at a complete minimum.

On top of that? No professional screenwriter I know of and I KNOW PLENTY would sit down and go over your notes or whatever you've got about your story and provide "guidance" of any kind.

Just doesn't happen.

Not saying it NEVER happens... I've helped a hell of a lot of people out with their screenplays for over 30 years... So yes, it does happen. Just RARELY.

That is NOT me offering either... Unfortunately, I'm in very deep in my own projects.

If it were ME and I felt I needed help? I would go to places just like IndieTalk here and just get known first and foremost and you're doing that.

Keep a close eye on posts that talk about screenwriting... You'll be able to cull the best of the best. It's not rocket science.

Once you feel like SOMEONE you've been reading seems to know what they're talking about? Slowly but surely engage them and eventually approach them and ASK nicely if they'd be willing to give you some advice.

It's not unlike making friends in real life...

Good luck with it!
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It was the hour of salvation
The missles vectored, in the sacrificial sky
The sundering sky, in milk of rejuvenation
moonbeamed the fall, from her third eye

There was an awakening, in the nomad flute
the dormant carnival, awakens from rest
Where the band of brothers, in wonder mute
In azure blue eyes, glanced at the passing fest.

The clarion call, in the savage time
Rang the bells, in midnight hymn.
calming her death trance, when September rains
showing them how to be whole again

They wandered in the desert rain
Remembering each flash, and lightning storm
The angry clouds, carried no pain
Nor the black skies, silence the morn

Her hunt begins, for red October
With the sum of all fears
Her crescent scythe, dissected the bodies
The shrieking cry of soldiers, pined from the trees.

In Flanders field, where daylight broke
in the silent revolution, the poppies blowed
the jaded soldiers, banished their rainbow
In final requiem, to the sunflower's glow.

the sweet children, of the naked Earth
Jumped in puddles, drenched in rain
A brilliant rainbow, pregnant in pain
In second nature, sang the anthem of birth.

From the horizon, of a lost paradise
The letters of hope, never dies
In the Light of The Son
A free man cries
The prisoners of the Sun, never lies.
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It was the hour of salvation
The missles vectored, in the sacrificial sky
The sundering sky, in milk of rejuvenation
moonbeamed the fall, from her third eye

There was an awakening, in the nomad flute
the dormant carnival, awakens from rest
Where the band of brothers, in wonder mute
In azure blue eyes, glanced at the passing fest.

The clarion call, in the savage time
Rang the bells, in midnight hymn.
calming her death trance, when September rains
showing them how to be whole again

They wandered in the desert rain
Remembering each flash, and lightning storm
The angry clouds, carried no pain
Nor the black skies, silence the morn

Her hunt begins, for red October
With the sum of all fears
Her crescent scythe, dissected the bodies
The shrieking cry of soldiers, pined from the trees.

In Flanders field, where daylight broke
in the silent revolution, the poppies blowed
the jaded soldiers, banished their rainbow
In final requiem, to the sunflower's glow.

the sweet children, of the naked Earth
Jumped in puddles, drenched in rain
A brilliant rainbow, pregnant in pain
In second nature, sang the anthem of birth.

From the horizon, of a lost paradise
The letters of hope, never dies
In the Light of The Son
A free man cries
The prisoners of the Sun, never lies.
It started with a symphony of despair
The hungry warriors, in undying hunger
brothers lost, in the harmonious air
hungry to know, the meaning of war

There was an awakening, in the nomad flute
When the twin brothers, opened their penetrating song
and released their voice, in rhythm and blues
Cherishing in their voice of freedom

Their clarion call, bold and bare
Rang the bells, in midsummer heat
Their euphony resounded, the desert air
As they sang, with nature's heartbeat

They gazed at the undying warriors
Their bare veins, sticking out their skin
The clouds cried, in forsaken tears
Leaving their stolen tears in the wind

In Flanders field, where daylight broke
in the silent revolution, the poppies blowed
the jaded soldiers, rebuild their paradise
In final requiem, a new world of free man cries

smiling away, the unending heat
The sky rained boxes and boxes of sweets
The hungry warriors, forgot who they were
The taste of freedom, at places they once were.

The jokers inquired to the knights of dark
who's more evil, you's or i's
the grandmas and grandpas
laughed in silent reply
both equally burns, fire and ice

but you can't die twice
in a real soldiers life
for a soul cannot be killed
even if, there's no retake in their lives

for the sleeping child
in sleepless nights
wants to move on
and rebuild their paradise.

They just don't understand
why the jokers always leave
an indellible mark
when darkness spoke, before light.
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ok friends, a little update

I want to turn this project into a series of songs not a film, like @indietalk suggested, it was a bloody good idea
that turned out bright

let me know how you find these songs.

I trust you will believe that the lyrics are written by me, although you may be a little sceptic
and i expect it, but rationally so.
thanks scoopicman,

ok again some editing and variations
