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plot Crescendo

So this plot is inspired by a particular scene in a Satyajit Ray Film. Don't know how many of you have heard of him, but he was the only Indian to receive an Oscar.

An unknown federation of extra-terrestrial races is abducting the world's best musicians and singers from all over the world and bringing them together in their spaceships. After assembling them, the large body of musicians and singers are hypnotized by the ETs to compel them to commit to their mission. The mission is to bring an end to violence and wars through the power of Music wherever on Earth a large crowd is causing chaos.

The hypnotism was so intense, that after its completion, the aftermath was like a reverberation that acted as a drive for the musicians to be totally committed to this bold and novel purpose.

So the mission began, and the ETs arrived wherever there was a riot or civil unrest, these musicians were vectored down from the spaceships into the midst of the chaos, where through their powerful music, they were able to transform the crowd into an intense guilt-driven emotional state, where the situation not only pacified but also simultaneously led to an act of compassion and Love.

The finale happens in a war zone, where on the sidelines, these musicians initiated a perpetuation of a Love Song.
The soldiers were beguiled and reluctant to react at first, but with the steady rise of the Crescendo, they became receptive. Following that,
some of the musicians rushed to the soldiers, handed them a rose, and exchanged hugs. Then the real transformation happened, some retreated from the battlefield crying wildly, and some continued to exchange hugs. The sky bled rain. In the end, the ETs revealed their presence and the whole scene was alive with Love.

I think I am overdoing it, I would appreciate your feedback.