I'm going to do it!


Staff Member
Life is for the living.
I am going to make a great short film!

The script is 3 pages, and it will take me about a year and a half to shoot.
It's a super hero action comedy

I've also got a separate, one-day crime-thriller set to film on march 9th.
I wanna see this damn thing!

Me too :lol:

Here is one shot i got with all my available extras.


Not the most stylish thing in the world but it looks like a really epic episode of cops.

This is a shot that nearly cost me $1500 but we took at for free at 5am instead.
I wish we had done some rack focus but it's still really slick

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i've had a couple of days to relax now. Finally my body isn't sore all over. Here are a couple highlights.

I had 8 extras. 3 friends. 1 new guy from indietalk. 1 actor from Facebook I've never met before that brought 3 friends.

I gave speech about being careful and how we didn't have insurance. Then we started up the golf cart for our foot chase and on our very first take someone fell on the asphalt. That's life!! Yes it was captured on footage, but it was a new camera and a first take so it's blurry. Thank god he wasn't trampled after he fell.

It was a desolate business park like I planned, totally isolated from the rest of the world. Perfect. But we did meet one couple in a car. They asked if we had permission, etc but didn't give us a hard time. They asked me if it was a terrorist training camp :lol: because I had 8 people running in ski-masks.

My actresses really went the distance. My officer partner had another acting gig that night and had to leave and come back.. my super heroine was awesome putting up with it all. She went back to my house and slept for a couple hours while we did the chase scene, then we woke her up at midnight to go and film for a couple more hours. She had to lay on the freezing asphalt in a tank top and a mini skirt. We wrapped at 3am and then my producer and I dropped off the golf cart and drove 45 minutes north to get that shot of the high rise.
Just took some promotional photographs.. have to go through them all but they're pretty sweet.
It was a cool feeling looking through the camera and seeing the green screen!

It felt professional lol. And once I positioned the leaf blower and got Divinity's cape flying it was a lot of fun taking photographs.

I'll have some later this week.

I probably didn't light the green screen correctly.. plan was to do it outdoors but she got here late and we lost the sun. So there is some shadow but it's not a huge deal - for photographs I can cut her out by hand if i have to. It's not video or anything.
She forgot the pantyhose, although i sent a reminder about it the night before. she wanted to take them home to wash them but i guess is hould have insisted on washing them myself. the less i entrust to others the less goes wrong.

but she still looked great without them. just won't match exactly with our in-movie footage.

I shaved my mustache on my 33rd birthday, 4/26/2016
I filmed footage for a kick starter that morning.

I am down 20 pounds now, which is 1/4 of the way toward my weight loss goals.
60 remain.

I stopped stretching though. Ahhh.. and I haven't been doing my kung fu yoga.
Once I lose momentum it's so hard to get started again but at least I've been good on the diet. mostly.

I fell off the diet once while visiting my GF in boston... spent 10 days gaining 5 lbs I had to lose once i got back.
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