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watch Zombie Atrocity

* It screams friend made film. The majority of the time, I could see little smirks on all your friends faces like 'I'm in a movie! I don't know what I'm doing, but this is cool, right?'

* The makeup was low rent.

* Too many of the shots were staged.

* The actors were too aware of the camera.

* The image is clear and high rez...that's good.

Fun project. Now take it up a notch by not smirking at yourself so often. If your own actors can't take it seriously, why should you expect an audience member?

Thanks for posting.
Lack of any story makes the whole thing ultimately pointless, but you probably learned a bit about the process along the way. :)

I thought the "gnawing arm off" gag looked pretty good. Also, the choice to go silent.

Zombies. Gotta luv 'em. :cool:
Thanks for the feedback guys

Yeah, it was made with friends. Unfortunately, unless I was going to get wound up, I had to let the smirking and smiling slide and roll with it. It didnt help that beers were consumed on set!

I enjoyed making this little film, and all comments are definitely helpful, so if anyone has any more, please feel free to comment :)
I think if you give this an undercranked effect (speed it up) and add film grain/scratches you can pull it off. I would like to see it if you try that :D
I enjoyed it. :D Obviously you could see the smirkes on your friends faces, but I'll let you off, it's all practise and a bit of fun.

However, I really think you need to be a bit more creative with the cinematography. Get some more interesting shots in there. If you need some inspiration, go watch films like Oldboy, The Fountain, Requiem for a dream, Sympathy for lady vengeance, chungking express and 2046. Just make sure you don't over do it.
Really, the self-awareness of the actors and the make-up were the two things that bugged me the most as a viewer. Both of those things can be pretty easily improved upon with time and experience, and the fact that you made the damn thing to begin with is definitely the right direction to be in for that experience.

I watch this and definitely see potential, something that's worth coming back to.
In retrospect, I just want to say that I may come across as pretty harsh compared to some of the other posters here...and I'm sorry for that. I want you to know that I totally dig that you're making films, and that you're on the right track. It's just that I tend to exist in these communities as someone who bluntly states what is good and what is bad. I figure if you're posting your film here...here is the place you want to hear the absolute truth, before it hits the public eye (festival, family, friends, etc).

Cheers on this project. Now do it again, and improve upon what you know to need fixing.
Thanks for the comments, and the truth is preferable to sugar coated half truths, so i appreciate all the feedback, especially that which is constructive and that i can use in the future