First Shorts
Hey Guys,
So since I'm new I'm just trudging along through some of the older posts... perhaps no one will ever see this LOL...
Anyways, I've always wanted to work in film, write, and produce my own stuff... I think hish school was my first ever attempt at putting something together... I was failing drama class ( I never did the work, because I assumed it was a fluffy course) anyways, my teacher sat me down and had a talk with me said a fail wasn't going to look good no matter what class and I was really going to think about what to do...
I made her a proposal that I would try to change my ways and produce a film for her class if she would consider realizing I wasn't failing because I was stupid, but rather that I was an idiot...
And so "Indiana Jones: Vader's Lost Ark" was born... A silent film (with sub title screens) cross between to two epic trilogies of the time
I used almost the whole class as cast, had scenes in sandpits, swampy forest (a cool effect with a bubbling lake and Indy using the force to retireve a key from the murk) and a bathtub tie fighter...
Later I created a whole running soundtrack which had to be played from a tape deck at the same time as the was pretty hiarious attempt and garnered me an 80% overall for the course...
This film has been lost forever and I really regret it!
Of late my long time friend and I have started up again with a few small projects a short about a pool shark who engages a gambleholic and destroys him on the pool table, shuffle board, even rock paper scissors... This film lost forever as well...I regret it less
Our last short for a local contest ended up on the local cable channel... No biggie I guess... We had a good time filming it... This one .. imortalized on YouTube
Enjoy! Critique as harsh as you like
We are jsut starting out and really want feedback... I'm in the beginning stages of a more major project and hope to learn a lot here!