Young... but smart, skilled, and creative. Ryan Cahill.

Hey. I'm Ryan Cahill. I won't say my age but I'm young... What makes me mad is just because I AM young, people tend to believe that I am in no position to become a filmmaker. I think JUST the opposite. Beside's I've got 4 short films behind me to prove what I'm worth. The only problem is, I can't get a job, therefore, I can't pay for much. I do the best I can in trying to make some cash but it's pretty hard to make enough money to help me. Also, since nobody takes me seriously, I'm limited to using my friends for cast members and they have no talent in acting. I do my best and I think I do pretty well. Anyways, I hope to stay here for a while and grow as a filmmaker. (Now that just sounded like a job interview line!) I direct, produce, write and edit all of my films. I'm not here to hire people or be hired. I'm not here to make money, either. I am only here to learn, and soon I plan to have a full cast and crew. Anyways, I don't have much else to say, so bye! Feel free to introduce yourself!


PS: I sort of stole that TI person's thunder so go check out the post below me because I feel bad... Ha ha.
Dude believe me, I'm in the same exact position as you are. But not to worry, although we aren't taken seriously we get an early start.
The good news is you are entering a business that worships youth.

I can't address getting a job. But I can offer some advice on casting.
You need to present yourself and your project as serious and dedicated.
Have an excellent script. Have specific, set dates for the auditions.
Have specific dates for the shoot. Approach a university drama department
or local theater or acting class with your proposal. Most times the person
in charge will be glad to help you find actors who will fit the parts. But
ONLY if you are prepared. You'll be surprised how many people are willing
to help a young filmmaker.

I was in same position when I joined here, and I can def. say this website was a great resource. Search around and good luck!!! I know I feel I have certainly grown over the past few months!!!
I was in same position when I joined here, and I can def. say this website was a great resource. Search around and good luck!!! I know I feel I have certainly grown over the past few months!!!

go to hollywood before you turn 18. it's 100X easier to get into acting at that age than it is when your 30-50. good luck man. follow your passion the rest will come:yes:
I'm guessing your 12 years old. Which, I hate to break it to you, is 1 year too old to start filmmaking. No one will take you seriously since you started too late.

:P j/k Welcome to the boards, you'll learn a lot here :)
hey man u have to take this seriously u have to have a good script set up a online audition and u will be suprise how many people show up to be in your movie.