
Hi everyone.

Thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself. I'm a novelist and screenwriter and I'm producing my first film, which is quite an experience. We've been working on it a while and for some reason it never occurred to me or my co-producer (who is also the director) that there'd be a forum out here for independent filmmakers.

This looks like a pretty awesome place and I'm glad to have found it. I'm hoping to get some good critiques and do some networking. I'm going to try to get Producer/Director Clayton Spinney to join, too.
Thanks everyone! :)

Aspiring Mogul - to be honest I haven't been published yet. I've written a few novels, but you know what they say: write your first novel, then throw it out because it isn't any good. Write your second novel, and then probably throw that one out, too. :) It takes about five to ten years to break into the business, or so I'm told - and I believe it, because it was just this year before I learned what I'd been doing wrong with submissions all this time. It's all about networking, you know? Finding other people who can pass knowledge and wisdom on. Wish I'd known THAT sooner...

knightly - thanks! It's nice to be in a place where people automatically get the gag!

nmurthy83 - I did post a clip from Oz over in the Screening Room, but I'm sure I'll get to posting some writing around here too before long!