Making a Zombie Movie
Making a movie, especially a feature length movie like you suggest, takes a lot of work. To give just a small overview:
1. A good script is found or written.
2. Next you need work out a budget: sound, lighting, actor fees, insurance, location fees, equipment, etc.
3. Typically you do a storyboard to help sell the idea to investors.
4. You will likely need to do casting and costuming.
5. There are readings and rehearsing.
6. The scenes are shot on location or in studio.
7. The camera footage is edited and special effects applied.
8. Post production elements--scores/music, titles and credits.
9. Then there is post-production expenses of advertising, packaging, and distribution.
10. You will factor in costs of submitting to festivals and/or contests.
These are just overview steps, others can chime in more. Making something that looks professional is quite challenging. And while many people will say zombie movies are inexpensive, most of them look like backyard productions. And unfortunately a $500 production in the 1970's, when you factor in inflation, is actually a $1500 production investment today. In remaking "Dawn of the Dead" to reflect today's effects standards, the studio poured a lot more into it than that.
The script is only a small part of the production effort. If you can't write the script, how much of the remaining steps can you do to get this film produced? A one-minute home commercial is a different beast than a feature film. Many of the contributors here have their own professional projects, though they are willing to assist.
If you really believe in your original story idea, finish it up yourself. You can post parts of it for suggestions about how to make it more marketable. Or you can ask for guidance on producing it yourself.
Condensing down your responses:
Alright everyone. I have been trying to find a writer to help me write a script with me. I really want to write a feature script. And I really really want to write one about zombies. But I want this to be different than other zombie movies. So if anyone is up to help me that would be AWESOME. I almost forgot, I produce a commercial for the Doritos Superbowl contest. We didn't win but it was an awesome experience. I was working on a feature indie script but didnt finish it.
I mean we would work as a team and if we would make money on it, we would split it. Thats what I was thinking... I wanted it to be different than other zombie movies, so maybe we could use yours genres and make it a very good script
I really am eager to get started on it, but don't know where to start. So please someone be my partner on this project. ... I mean I know this isnt going to be a feature film in theatres, but like has any of your movies been to any film festivals?
I don't want to write my ideas and let everyone see.
My sense is that you have a few ideas about a zombie movie. It sounds as if who ever volunteers will be left doing most of the writing and thinking on the production, however. And once done, you're not sure how to go about actually getting the production off the ground so it can be shown at festivals.
The best advice is, if you are concerned about people stealing your ideas, to write the film yourself and then film it. As you've seen in other threads, people have posted scripts for feedback. If you're going to film this yourself on a shoestring for a festival, my suggestion is to think more of a short. No script more than say 10-20 pages.
That should be easier to write and get feedback on from this group. It should be easier to film with a home setup using your friends. What about using zombies as a parody? *Maybe of the "Twilight Saga" with Edward as a zombie in high school? Zombies don't have to eat brains and be horrific. He could be shooting a hoop on the team and his arm goes flying off.*
Don't worry about the 'feature film' aspect. Just have fun with it as a concept.
*Fine Print: This 'new zombie idea' is copyrighted, patented, trademarked, and held closely under scrutiny by FantasySciFi, aka, FSF. All rights and derivative products are reserved.

Just kidding, have fun with it.