I appreciate the congratulations, but it's far from earned or warranted. I'm not doing much more than anyone else on this site. We're ALL still on the mole-hill of the kind of success you are describing.
My goal is simply to tell stories via movies. I have a compulsion to get these stories in front of people. Money is a means to that end, nothing more nothing less. All the press, all the promotion - a means to an end. It makes investors happy, it gets me closer to making bigger, more ambitious stories. I don't care about red carpets, banging starlets, or even making more money.
Did you ever notice that the people you envy and want to emulate tend to be really really talented storytellers? Why are you more interested in the glamour than the moviemaking?
If you want these materialistic things, become a film PRODUCER, not a director. A director is the artist and the producer is all about the money. Not as sexy a title but it gets you more of what you seem to want.