Where to Begin...

I have posted once or twice on this forum and had excellent responses from many helpful people, so thank you! I would just like to put this out there, since I don't know where else to put it. Sorry in advance for being "that person", because I'm assuming you get posts like this all the time.

I just moved out to Los Angeles. I am an actress by trade, but the majority of my experience is in theatre, so I have been trying to familiarize myself more with the film side of things. I love film, always have, and moved out here to try to transition into it a bit. I bought a camera (a Canon HV 20) and have played around with it based off basic tutorials and helpful advice passed down from fellow HV 20 owners. I am in no way an excellent film maker, but I have tons of ideas and would love to get together with people who are also looking to get some projects off the ground. I would especially love to meet and get together with people who are much more familiar with camera (dp) work who might be interested in filming some things with me. I love collaborating and have no idea how to do it by myself. I am in NoHo, studio city area. Any thoughts or suggestions appreciated.

Got an agent? Got an 8 X 10 with 4 different character looks? Join the 50 zillion others trying to land parts.

It's an uphill battle trying to make a movie on your own. Too expensive. You're better off doing something reality based that can be shot for cheap.
Meh, I just moved out of NoHo a short while ago.

I'm also a menace with a camera; I leave that to someone who knows how to use one. :blush:

At any rate, if you do get a project going and need some help/whatever, lemme know. I'm still pretty close, and love helping out.
It's an uphill battle trying to make a movie on your own. Too expensive. You're better off doing something reality based that can be shot for cheap.

I shot a feature length narrative fiction film for $250 :) Still editing as I'm the only one still working on it :(.

Don't let people tell you what you can't or shouldn't do. Set yourself a goal and figure out how to make it happen. There's alot of folks who've had bad experiences personally that you may not find you have.

Write something short and make it, learn what works and what doesn't (be REALLY honest about it). Lather Rinse Repeat. They don't need to start out good, this is a learning process.

GO FOR IT! Don't let anything stop you from pursuing this art & craft. Failure is the best teacher... In Karate, we learned to block better by getting hit.
I would especially love to meet and get together with people who are much more familiar with camera (dp) work who might be interested in filming some things with me. I love collaborating and have no idea how to do it by myself. I am in NoHo, studio city area. Any thoughts or suggestions appreciated.

There are a lot of filmmaker here in the Los Angeles area.

You can first try to volunteer on the projects of others. Often
getting people to film some things with you come after you
help film some things of others.

I'm doing the 48 Hour Film Project in July. There are about
40 teams already signed up. You can go to the website and
click on "Join a team". You could even volunteer to work
on mine.

You can check BackStageWest for crew calls.
You can check the bulletin boards at every film school in the
area (and there are a LOT) for volunteer positions.

I have found it's easier to get people to collaborate with you
when you are willing to collaborate with them first.