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Where Are The Smart Investors?

Independent filmmaker seeking $1,000,000 for the production of my firstfeature film. No Hollywood, No Unions, No distributors. I will exhibit my film myself in the United States and own and retain all rights to my film. Investors will receive 35% of the Gross Profit. YES GROSS PROFITS!

IT'S ONLY MAKE BELIEVE! is a modern day Fairytale which portrays the current American business climate.
Opportunities for product placement, advertising and promotion, as well as retail opportunities in a Family Entertainment Park I am planning in the Corpus Christi, Texas area, using the sets required for filming.
All future films will add to the Park.

Seeking serious investors, ready to make some money!

I think he's going to need it.

Indiefilmman (I corrected your spelling for you), you're going to need a much better pitch than that for a cool $1M, including a good script and a business plan with prospectus. By the way, your 35% figure is low for a first feature filmmaker's investor.

indeifilmman said:
Seeking serious investors, ready to make some money!
A serious investor cannot be expected to pay you to make your first feature, pay for the entire production AND cover all distribution costs for only 35%.

Do you have a complete business plan?
A serious investor cannot be expected to pay you to make your first feature, pay for the entire production AND cover all distribution costs for only 35%.

I agree, no investor in their right mind is going to put money into a picture that is expecting to make money from self distribution and with such a lean return.

We offered a 100% return on invested capital, subject to sale, on our first picture because we knew that the investors we're gambling on a first time film's ability to get distribution. And our investors we're placed at the top of the payment heirachy, ensuring that even before the film broke even they would be paid. This works out at a 30% per year return on theri investment, but our risk levels where well into the 60% territory (too high for big time money)

Seriously, if you want to attact investors with large amounts of capital you're not competing with other filmmakers you're competing with the other high return/high stakes investments. The key is to minimise risk and maximise return.

If you can provide a thirty percent per year return with a less than 25% risk, then you'll be taken seriously, as that parallels investment in corporate property.

The other thing is, the fact that you're looking for ilarge sum investors here and in this fashion demonstrates that you're fairly new to this business. Those kinds of deals are not brokered on indie internet forums but closer to home and via smart accountants and tax lawyers.

Good luck with your self distribution project, Id be interested in hearing more about that. I'm a great believer in alternate distribution strategies and always open to new ideas. if you really have got a way of making money from distribution then I would suggest that you go into distribution for indies with existing feature projects and make your first film out of your distribution profits.

Really, distribution is where the money is.

Another "newbie" joining this forum. And to be up front about my joining, I'll tell you all that I am using the internet to find investors for our film project. I hope this does not come as a big surprise to anyone. ';P

First, I'd like to get a feel for the place and the people and see what things are like. So I'll just hang and chat before I make any kind of pitch.

I ask also that my new friends here will refrain from giving me advice, or refering me to some chapter in some good book. I've been in the business for some 25 years now and read most of the good books and simply want to connect with the best sources for investors for independent films.

And though I am open to Hollywood sources, my focus is to build on the "indie" industry.

I will share briefly that our production company, which was formed this year by a handful of small business owners who saw the advantage of combining our efforts and resources, has an extraordinary and unique screenplay.

How unique? Well, how can that even be measured? All I can say is that this is the opinion held by all 5 partners, and most of the non-partners in the company.

We feel it is unique because it does something that few scripts for independent films do these days, and that is - taking a risk.

The words "taking a risk" describes what more independent films need to do, and are the same words investors do not like to hear.

Welcome to my world, ha ha!

You'd have to read the script yourself to fully understand what I can only tell you in my own words.

The film will be shot in and around the Seattle area, which is why I will be moving there by the end of the month. I get the impression from most people I talk to that there is not alot going on In Washington state, just a few small productions and a lot of short films. But unfortunately, not much to get excited about.

Can anyone shed any light on Washington?

And is there anybody here who has experience/contact with film investors?


I have quite a bit of experience with investors. Maybe I’m misreading your post, but it seems as if you are saying that you don’t really want advice - just contacts. Did I take that wrong?

I know my post is going to come off as argumentative, but I’m not trying to argue - just understand:
Brian420 said:
We feel it is unique because it does something that few scripts for independent films do these days, and that is - taking a risk.
I see independent filmmakers taking huge risks all the time. I work on six to ten independent movies a year and my circle of friends and colleagues do another dozen or so. For the most part we all take risks on projects we believe in.

Sure, we do our share of horror movies to show that we can, in fact, finish a movie on a tight schedule with little money and return the investment, but risk taking is what independent filmmaking is all about. It’s interesting that you have such a different experience with independent's.

It’s been about 10 years, but I made in film in Aberdeen, WA. We found good crews in Washington, a good lab (shot 16mm) in Seattle and good rental houses. Because there isn’t much shooting there, we got a LOT of cooperation and some very cheap locations.

Welcome to the boards. You’ll enjoy your stay - it’s a helpful group here.
Namaste, good Brian420.

I'm a bit confused by your post.

I've been in the business for some 25 years now

Clearly that is a lot of experience and networking with physical people, so I'm not quite understanding how you need to follow up with...

is there anybody here who has experience/contact with film investors?

I am most likely missing something obvious. :)

Btw... are you with mi2, offchance?
Sure, even when I read: "I've been in the business for some 25 years - is there anybody here who has experience/contact with film investors?" back to myself, it seems contradictory. But since I know my own history, I know why it isn't.

It's only contradictory if you make certain assumptions. If you think all goes well for everyone in it, then you're probably only paying attention to the top ten percent.

And by "in the industry", I mean theater, telelvison production, Hollywood films but mostly Independent films, which is where the money is at because I predict a wave is coming and I intend to ride it all the way in!

Hollywood may miss the boat on this one. Yes, some in Hollywood are doing their best to recognize and acknowledge independent films. But it may be too little too late.

In case you haven't picked up on it yet, I intend that this film will be produced as an "indie" because it automatically has a higher value just by being so. And I made a firm decision that this film will not be produced by any big studios.

Where does that leave me for raising money?

And maybe you're asking yourself: "Why would anybody trade a Hollywood career for being an independent filmmaker?"

Indeed! But I have many colleagues who did exactly that. And the fact is, I know this is the right choice.

The honest truth is, I am spinning my wheels in this town. A lot of things changed in my life recently and I decided, why not just change everything and really start living my life the way I really want now, especially now that I'm single again.

And I want the challenge of getting this film produced, the script for which I have one hundred percent confidence in.

On the other hand, I have made some wonderful contacts in the business, and each and every one of them will be put to good use. One of my contacts is a full service motion picture distributor, who is also banking in on the new wave of independent films.

Another of my contacts, and who has been my friend for some 20 years now, is the owner of the VFX company we both once worked for. With his company behind my VFX, he can produce the same level of excellent quality FX as ILM and Dreamworks. This is truly a miracle for an indie film because good, innexpensive VFX are hard to come by. So I thought I would take advantage of this and use them effectively in our film.

Quoting arguementative: "it seems as if you are saying that you don’t really want advice - just contacts. Did I take that wrong?"

I think you got it right my boy! Quite right indeed! It is a simple request and is not meant to be offensive. Just informative. But think about this really: how many times have you heard the same thing over repeatedly before you just had to put up your hand and say: stop! That you'd heard it over so many times that you knew it by rote!

Well, when you know it that good, you've pretty much reached the objective of repetition. And you don't need it as much at that point.

If I ask (nicely) not to have a lot of advice thrown my way, and just get right to the point of what I'm here to accomplish, then I see a lot of time saved not having to go over the same ground that I know so well.

I did not think you came "off as argumentative". Or at least it didn't seem that way to me.

It's possible you may have some tiny morsel of advice that may be useful to me. But I do know most of the rules of the game and have excellent advisors working for me.

On the other hand, you might have some knowledge pertaining to a bit of trivia about some rich bastard who would love to invest in a movie like mine. I just need to remember to bring him a gift of M&M's, but with the green ones removed or I'll blow the deal.

Or something like.

On the other hand, I would definitely take advice from you if you were part of my team.

But I gotta tell ya: nothing, and I mean nothing makes a movie like hard contacts!

So what's your experience with investors?

And more importantly, what's your name?
Hi Brian

Welcome to the board. Hope you find what you're looking for here and take time to get to know us a little bit.

I think you'll find that you're not the only person here with years of industry experience and unsurprisingly not the only person with an "incredible script" seeking investment.

I share your conviction that indie filmaking is about to undertake some radical changes in it's relationship with the larger industry. These changes always occur when new technology drives down production costs and opens the doors for new blood. However, I also believe that you may find your industry background a liability as well as an asset when it comes to finding and riding that wave. You also may find that in fact there is much to learn here. I, for instance, have made my living as a writer all my adult life and have a very large wall covered in international writing awards to prove it, however just a few weeks ago another member of this board and I started a discussion on screenplay structure that has radically changed and improved my screenplay writing. Just yesterday another member and I were discussing directorial ettiquette and out of that discussion came another thing for me to think about in relation to my craft. In an infinite universe there is always something new to learn.
Brian420 said:
Quoting arguementative: "it seems as if you are saying that you don’t really want advice - just contacts. Did I take that wrong?"

I think you got it right my boy! Quite right indeed! It is a simple request and is not meant to be offensive. Just informative. But think about this really: how many times have you heard the same thing over repeatedly before you just had to put up your hand and say: stop! That you'd heard it over so many times that you knew it by rote!
Oh yeah. I know that feeling well.
If I ask (nicely) not to have a lot of advice thrown my way, and just get right to the point of what I'm here to accomplish, then I see a lot of time saved not having to go over the same ground that I know so well.

It's possible you may have some tiny morsel of advice that may be useful to me. But I do know most of the rules of the game and have excellent advisors working for me.
Fair enough, Brian. I'll keep my advice to myself. At least now I understand better where you're coming from.

Hopefully you will be open to giving advice. Someone with your experience could be very helpful here.
It's possible you may have some tiny morsel of advice that may be useful to me. But I do know most of the rules of the game and have excellent advisors working for me.

On the other hand, you might have some knowledge pertaining to a bit of trivia about some rich bastard who would love to invest in a movie like mine. I just need to remember to bring him a gift of M&M's, but with the green ones removed or I'll blow the deal.
My turn to be completely honest. I'm keeping all the "rich bastard" contacts and trivia to myself. Even if the guy wants to invest in 10 movies, I'm gonna work on getting him to finance 10 of my movies and not spread the wealth.

On the other hand, if he wants a good, solid package that isn't one of mine (and I can see a piece of the action) I already owe clive a look. But it's always good to have a solid package ready if the opportunity comes up.

So what's your experience with investors?

And more importantly, what's your name?

I've have movies financed and have worked with individuals and groups to find the right projects. Other than crew work (special effects), I've never been involved in a "Hollywood" studio production. It's been all independent for me. You could teach me a thing or two.
Investors & ...


Since I am looking under every rock for investors, what would you want to connect me with the investors you have found?

I have excellent distribution contacts.
