Yes, even with my being an ignoramus about sound, Alcove, please tell me that Saving Private Ryan is a study of excellance in sound. =)
I'm not Alcove but I can confirm that Saving Private Ryan is literally a study in excellence in sound and while I don't always agree with the Academy, Saving Private Ryan was one of the most easily justifiable and incontestable Oscar winners for sound. In fact, as an ex-senior university lecturer, I specified the opening battle scene in Saving Private Ryan as required study material. I could explain in detail why S.P.R. is such a good example of the pinnacle of contemporary film sound design but I'm sure it would bore everyone here!
Another film already mentioned deserves mentioning again because along with Star Wars, Apocalypse Now is arguably the most important and defining film of the modern era with regards to sound design.
I love all of those movies. Coincidence? Or coin-sound-ence?
I agree entirely with what you have said, although the way you said it IMHO, deserves to be classified as a criminal offence!
I've said it before, that it can't be a coincidence that most of the films considered "great" or "legendary" are also "legendary" when judged purely in terms of their quality of sound and sound design.
Back on topic: It's difficult to say what my favourite films are because it depends on how I'm judging them. For example whether I'm judging from a standpoint of film appreciation, more specifically with regard to sound design, purely on my personal mindless entertainment value or a combination of all the above. So I could say 2001 and The Shining are definitely in my favourites list but I don't really enjoy them on a mindless entertainment level. For pure entertainment I love films like Harry Potter, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Da Vinci Code, LOTR, Independence Day, etc., which luckily also have some truly great sound design, as well as films like James Bond and Bourne. To be honest, my list would be so long and difficult to choose between I think I'll stop, even though there are so many which deserve a mention like: Raging Bull, Forest Gump, Jaws, The Godfather, Dances with Wolves, 40 Year Old Virgin, Brief Encounter, Ben Hur, The Abyss, Dangerous Liaisons, Unforgiven, Shakespeare in Love, Psycho, Wall-e, Amistad, Angel Heart, Solaris, African Queen, Bridge over the River Kwai ... OK, must stop now!