What's your age again?

I'm 18 and I've seen a few other fellas about that age 'round about these parts. I was just wondering just how many teenagers there are on here. I find it motivating to meet others my age with interest in filmmaking. Anyway. That's All.
Hey, I'm 18 and pretty sure I'm the only girl around these parts... but yeah nice to see some other teenagers (howdy)
arniepix said:
[I just turned 43 yesterday. My girlfriend encouraged me to feel even older by telling me that I'm starting my 44th year. Over dinner.

That's sweet of her. I told my sister when she turned 25 that she was a quarter of the way to being a century old and only half way to 50! She knew I was just joking with her but she still didn't think it was very funny. Now that I will be turning 25 at the end of this year, I know why.
16...working on writing my second script ad filming my first with a buddy of mine....don't feel old guys, experience is the key word here... :lol:
Shot, don't worry I feel like that too. I feel as though I lived my entire party stage through age 16-19.

Now I hardly go out or drink. it's like once I became legal to drink I didn't have much of a desire to. lol