What's your age again?

So no one asked how a 90 year old man stays so sexy ...

I would have asked, Poke, but I've got another 50 years to figure out your secret. :)

Now if you can tell me how a 90 year old maintains a full head of hair, I might ask.
SPaulovich said:
Now if you can tell me how a 90 year old maintains a full head of hair ...

Simple - collect hair clippings from a barber shop, rub the clippings all over your dog Chippy, make a life size statue of Don Knotts out of the clippings, burn the statue and throw the ashes away, then eat dried liver every day.

Now, ask me how to keep the rest of the body hairless.

Ummm... if that's what it takes to keep the hair, I think I'd do better with a toupee. (Or as Moe Howard told Curly, "Why don't you get a toupee with some brains in it?")

Actually - and forgive me for going even further off topic - I dreamed up the perfect "mid-life crisis treatment." Take a toupee, attach a Viagra patch, a Monoxidil path, and a Nicotine patch. Wear for 12 months. Repeat if necessary.

Okay, I've gone this far, how DO you keep the rest of the body hairless?
SPaulovich said:
Okay, I've gone this far, how DO you keep the rest of the body hairless?

Coincidentally, you take a toupee, attach a Viagra patch, a Monoxidil path, and a Nicotine patch. Wear for 12 months. Repeat if necessary.

42 with the comic book collection of a 17 year old (and he's not getting it back)

"Old is a state of mind"
-Sir Ian McKellen

I think that's what I'll say when I look like Sir Ian
I guess you could say he's a "kid" .... get it?