What's the strangest film you've ever seen?

Hey everyone!

I finally got around to watching "Eraserhead" the other day, and so far it's been the weirdest film I've seen so far.

So my question is, what's the weirdest film you guys have seen?
"Funny Games" is pretty strange, not so much because of what happens in the movie, but because the filmmaker toys with the audience in a way that is best left unsaid.

I remember thinking "Natural Born Killers" was pretty trippy.
Haven't seen the film version of Uzumaki, but the comic was awesome. Great stuff! Anything by Lynch or Cronenberg is of course a must see. Noriko's Dinner Table (ties into Suicide Club) is really weird. Oh, and Tetsuo makes a good follow up to Eraserhead. A little more conventional, but Jacob's Ladder is one of my favorites!
Star Wars Episode I the Phantom Menace.

Who is the lead character? Qui Gon? He leaves the narrative as soon as the "Mannequin Skywalker" kid shows up. What plot point does Obi Wan play in this movie? Just setup to be a surrogate for the next 2 movies and nothing else. How do they justify the language on Coruscant when the politicians speak like they have a college degree when compared to the modernized 10 year olds saying "Weeeeeee" or "That's sooooo Wizard Annie!".

Strangest movie I have ever seen.
Vanilla Sky probably... but... I was delirious with a 104 degree fever in and out of consciousness on my couch. My roommate at the time, being the good buddy he was, decided THAT was a good movie to put in haha. Still have no idea what actually happened in the movie, but no real desire to watch it again and figure it out.
There's a spanish original movie that "Vanilla Skies" is a remake of... "Abre los ojos" (Open Your Eyes) from 1997. I liked it better than the American remake, which is unusual for me, I normally like foreign creative works that are translated into my cultural zeitgeist.

"Underground" by Kustariza was really neat and odd.

"Xica da Silva" by Carlos Diegues was bizarre and hedonistic
Mine is "Zombie SpooF"... A very strange movie. The only movie I've ever gotten motion sickened from. Don't look for it on DVD. I think the only place to get it is Amazon's Instant Video Store for like $0.99.
MATANGO: Attack of the Mushroom People is definitely weird.
