movies What's the last film you watched? And rate it!

Because I know people who worked on it. I know people who heard some of his conversations.

At the time, the MI film incentives were some of the best in the country.

Do you really think it's appropriate for a multi-millionaire to have dinner on the taxpayer?

you're a short step away from preaching about the evils of capitalism
not that i would disagree with you. "businessmen" are some of the most sociopathic people on the planet
you're a short step away from preaching about the evils of capitalism
not that i would disagree with you. "businessmen" are some of the most sociopathic people on the planet

LOL... there is a difference between Capitalism and a millionaire "glossing" in the fact he is eating off the tax payer...

not to get too crazy here... but aren't film incentives a form of socialism anyway ;)

as for movies....

Lovelace 5/10

Amanda Seyfried was great and Peter Sarsgaard was really good (although he has that look and voice about him that make it hard to distinguish him in a specific role... the whole time I'm like, I know that guy, I know that guy... then it finally hit me - Garden State)!

I am so glad Lohan didn't do this.

The story is decent although it felt a bit like a B-roll from Blow.

Sharon Stone was great.

James Franco as Hefner was a huuuuuge failure.

I did like how they told part of the story in two separate timelines.

Seemed a bit cliche at times... but what can you expect from a period piece about porn.

They really, really, really did make Lovelace out to be a victim, when other accounts differ.
Lovelace 5/10

I am such a nerd...I saw the name of this film and assumed it was about Ada Lovelace, and that I might want to watch it. Oops.

Last thing I watched was a re-watch of Argento's Deep Red. Seeing Goblin live, I wondered why I didn't rewatch this more often. The music was great and the clips they screened as they played (mostly the murder scenes) were fantastic. So I got home, pulled out the DVD and gave it a go. And remembered why I don't watch it as much as other Argento films. It has moments, but it's mostly pretty dull. It is Argento, so it is beautiful, but no where near what he achieved with later films. Also the music is not really exceptional in the film, though live it's astounding. I guess when you have 35 years to refine a song, it's going to get better. Back on the shelf the film goes to sit for another 10 years or so.
The Truman Show 7/10 (need to rewatch)

Kinda tripped me out in the beginning then I realized what was going on. Pretty interesting concept, really liked the stage design.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit 9/10

I'm a sucker for any animation. It was my first time watching it so after the opening scene I was shocked how well the animation and real time actors worked together. Now riding the ride and Disneyland will make sense.

I enjoyed the adult humor and situations, I think Disney should do more of these types of films under Touchstone.

All of the different cameos were entertaining.
Olympus Has Fallen 8/10.

Personally I enjoyed White House Down marginally more, but they were both relatively comparable.

Man of Steel 3/5 AVERAGE
Bravo to whoever made the trailer, because it told a better story than the film. I'd like for them to make my trailers when I move into features :)

It was way too choppy in the beginning instead of settling us into a story.
And stupid moments abound in this film.

I can't believe they actually had people hide under a bridge during a tornado. This actually INCREASES the danger, what a dumbass move. And they all get out of their cars to do that instead of, oh i don't know, TURNING AROUND and driving in the other direction? :lol:

I also liked how the planet was about to explode and the only people they send to safety were the criminals :no:

Also did zack learn nothing from the 3rd matrix?? It's not exciting to watch two super humans fly around smacking each other in the face when no one bleeds, gets hurt, shows any sign of damage or slowing down, it's just boring.
The Conjuring - 6/10
Meh... I don't understand what anyone's all excited for about this film.
Kudos to the marketing team.

Pacific Rim - 6/10
See it.
Don't see it.
You ain't missing much.
It's like del Toro swiped the tech from 'Cloverfield' and just went 10X with it.

Marwencol - 6/10
Somewhat interesting documentary biography, especially if you like mental health stuff and immersing yourself into other people's freaky little worlds..

Dead Ringers - Reaffirmation that I do not care for Cronenberg's work (usually).

Bay Rong / Clash - 6/10
Kinda boring between action bits.
Funny camerawork.
Frost/Nixon directed by Ron Howard - 7/10
This was a re-watch since a friend of mine wanted to see it. The film is a good adaptation of the play with some great performances. I can't say it's anything special though since cinematically nothing stood out to me, it was just a play adaptation that worked. The script was well-written but I think I would prefer watching the play since it is very dialogue driven.
Friday the 13th (1980)

The original one that started it all. I hadn't seen this one for many, many years. When you think about how controversial this film was upon its release and compare it to horror today this film isn't really that gory and violent.

One of the things that only seemed to bother me on this viewing, and I've seen this film many times in the past, is the music that plays when Kevin Bacon, his girlfriend and friend are in their pick-up truck - it's hillbilly banjo type music that doesn't fit and makes this film feel even more dated than it is and if I was watching this in 1980 for the first time that music probably would have made me laugh and it did upon this viewing.

I would give this movie a 5 out of 10 but I think for me this movie is too dated to be head over heels for it and I remember being crazy about these movies when I use to watch them so something has obviously changed in my perception.

Halloween (1978)

This film is much better than Friday the 13th. It inspired that series but this is still far superior. The music, the camera, the Shape and the awesome Donald Pleasance (RIP) make this film a great in my eyes.

It has aged well. There doesn't seem to be many laugh out loud moments, not for me at least so the age of the movie hasn't made me look at it as corny.

Also this is far superior than the remake (which I didn't mind but compared to this it pales in comparison) because it is smoother in execution, has the right mixture of supernatural and semi-realism without having to give an explanation as to why Michael does what he does.

In fact without the opening scene showing him as a child, you could almost make Michael out to be an apparition not an actual living breathing person because he personifies the grim reaper.

I give Halloween 10/10.
+1 Phantom Screenwriter

I never understood the hype about Friday the 13th. I think it's an incredibly weak film. On the other hand, Halloween is fantastic. Still gives me chills.
Moon, Star And Sun directed by Michael Mak - 5.5/10
An old Hong Kong film that is a bit too melodramatic for my taste. I liked the concept of the film but the writing and acting was just awful for the most part. A better ending could've saved this flawed film but as it is I can only recommend it to diehard fans of Maggie Cheung and Hong Kong cinema. The film does have its charms, but there are plenty of other films that offer more so I can't recommend it to anyone else.
Lovelace - 7/10

Caffeine - 1/10
No discernible plot, total crap

Sharknado - 2/10
Laughably bad...but at least it made me laugh

Arthur Newman - 3/10
I usually like Colin Firth, but this was soooooo slooowwwwwww

Meet Monica Velour - 8/10
Surprisingly good low budget movie about a teen age boy who meets the aging centerfold of his fantasies
The Enforcer with Jet Li.
My god.. this was one of the dumbest things I have seen in a long time. It features the two stupidest criminal plots i've ever seen. I mean none of this makes any sense at all. Also 60% of the movie is blue blue blue, day for night.. even inside a kitchen while cooking, it's all blue. Also apparently you can stop breathing for 10 minutes, then spontaneously come back to life without brain damage :lol: this movie has it all.. hiding from bullets behind a wooden table, blowing up cars by shooting the gas tank. oh man

I'm glad i finished it though, because I was laughing out loud at the final fight scene. It was so ridiculous, i don't think it was SUPPOSED to be funny but I lost it when jet li started fighting bad guys via KID ON A ROPE

I had to upload this for your guys' viewing pleasure
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The Hobbit Part Two: Electric Boogaloo
Words cannot express how much I loved this. Fun adventure, a bit of whimsy (but not too much so) and a big Freaking DRAGON. Lots of changes, of course, some good, some not so much but overall I'm loving these films. I like that the dwarves all have individual personalities..let's face it, I love the book, but there are dwarves who not only get no dialogue, but no character development beyond "really good at starting fires." I LOVED the confrontation with the Necromancer and Lee Pace was fantastic. I was worried about the new elf character, but I really liked how it all played out. Oh, and the way the spiders spoke? Perfect, fit the books, fit the films. If the first film was all about Bilbo's growth, this installment was all about Thorin. And I liked it for that (though seeing a few reviews complaining that it's not all about Bilbo).

Anyway, this movie could have been nothing but Smaug and I'd have loved it. Easily the best screen dragon of all time (finally edging out Vermithrax Pejorative from Dragonslayer). Long movie, but I could have stood a little more. It's a good time to be into fantasy!