Friday the 13th (1980)
The original one that started it all. I hadn't seen this one for many, many years. When you think about how controversial this film was upon its release and compare it to horror today this film isn't really that gory and violent.
One of the things that only seemed to bother me on this viewing, and I've seen this film many times in the past, is the music that plays when Kevin Bacon, his girlfriend and friend are in their pick-up truck - it's hillbilly banjo type music that doesn't fit and makes this film feel even more dated than it is and if I was watching this in 1980 for the first time that music probably would have made me laugh and it did upon this viewing.
I would give this movie a 5 out of 10 but I think for me this movie is too dated to be head over heels for it and I remember being crazy about these movies when I use to watch them so something has obviously changed in my perception.
Halloween (197
This film is much better than Friday the 13th. It inspired that series but this is still far superior. The music, the camera, the Shape and the awesome Donald Pleasance (RIP) make this film a great in my eyes.
It has aged well. There doesn't seem to be many laugh out loud moments, not for me at least so the age of the movie hasn't made me look at it as corny.
Also this is far superior than the remake (which I didn't mind but compared to this it pales in comparison) because it is smoother in execution, has the right mixture of supernatural and semi-realism without having to give an explanation as to why Michael does what he does.
In fact without the opening scene showing him as a child, you could almost make Michael out to be an apparition not an actual living breathing person because he personifies the grim reaper.
I give Halloween 10/10.