movies What's the last film you watched? And rate it!

The Proposal - 2/10

It was on TV the other day and it really disappointed me that they cast Sandra Bullock in it. There were some genuinely funny scenes of dialogue between her and Ryan Reynolds but when it came down to the physical comedy it was awful. This is what happens when hire actors because of their box-office draw rather than their suitability in the role.

Maybe a 7 or a 6, though I'd sort of like to subtract points due to the camera.

I was hoping to be wowed. It's an interesting film, but, uh.

I did not like the shaky, constantly panning, constantly moving, hey-look-at-me-I'm-an-annoying-and-constantly moving, zooming, pretending-to-be-wielded-by-an-amatuer, I-don't-want-you-to-ever-forget-that-you're-watching-a-movie-camera cam. Uck.

Other than that it is quite lovely to look at. The cast is good. That's why I'm reluctant to give it less than a 7 or a 6. Maybe it will grow on me. But I doubt that I'll ever warm up to the choice of camera work.
Hugo - 9/10 (non-3D)

Amazing cinematography, especially the morning scenes in the train station with the warm sunlight cascading on to the platforms. Acting was impressive by the two children and Sacha Baron Cohen had fun with his character without going overboard. Martin Scorses's creative camera angles and shots were again impressive. His shots translated well even though I watched this film in non-3D and scenes didn't look awkward that were filmed specifically for the use of the 3D effect. Like most films that are adaptations from stories or novels this film was no exception to feeling like the story telling was rushed, still... it was a fun movie.
Submarine - 8/10. Insanely witty at points, a little dragged out at others.
Son of Rambo - 9/10. I've never felt fuzzier inside. Not the best cinematography or style, but it just made me feel good.
Tried to watch Tiny Furniture last night, but it was so completely wretched I only made it 30 minutes. It is the poster film for everything I despise in "indie" films.
Tried to watch Tiny Furniture last night, but it was so completely wretched I only made it 30 minutes. It is the poster film for everything I despise in "indie" films.
You're a tougher viewer than I am.
I lasted only fifteen minutes before quitting TINY FURNITURE.
(Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm sure it got better later... )

Yawn. Dysfunction is not entertainment.

Ghostbusters - 7/10
Watched this with my little kids who picked up on every mild profanity uttered.
Did this come out before PG-13 was invented... ?
LOL! Same year. Musta missed each other by months.
Cute show.
Nah. How about we just drift from one inconsequential meaningless miserable relationship/conversation to another?!

WHINY GIRL blusters in "I don't understand why my life sux".
WHINY GIRLFRIEND ONE just standing there gives WHINY GIRLFRIEND TWO "that" look, then back to WHINY GIRL.
WHINY GIRLFRIEND "Beee... cause I suck, she sux, we suck".
WHINY GIRLFRIEND TWO performing immaterial task "But you suck the most".
WHINY GIRL drops shopping bags of conspicuous consumer sh!t shirts and shawls, "What?! Why?!"
WHINY GIRLFRIENDS exchange yet another vapid "that" glance.
WHINY GIRLFRIEND ONE "Because we know we suck".
WHINY GIRLFRIEND TWO "And we can see it a mile out".
WHINY GIRL crumbles perplexed look at them.
WHINY GIRLFRIEND ONE "But you still think you don't suck and that your life might someday not suck".
WHINY GIRLFRIEND TWO "When in fact your life's the suckiest suck-fest there ever was-- "
WHINY GIRLFRIEND ONE "And has about... zero chance of ever not sucking".
WHINY GIRL "Ugh! You guys suck"!

Oh for crying out loud!
Where's that GD remote?
This show sucks! Efffff meeeee!!!!!! Bye, already!

Rented three movies the other day at National Video.

Memento. 4/5 Stars. Had seen almost all other films Nolan's done. Only cemeneted his genius. Hope he does Mr. Hughes next so we can see what he does in order. On a side note i think DarK Knight Rises will be shit. I'm sorry. Anne Hathaway. Come on? And the name i don't like. But maybe ill be shocked i hope.

Running With Scissors-3/5 stars mostly for the main actresses performance. It was a dramedy. Not too funny. But intresting nonetheless.

Godsford Park-3andahalf/5 stars. My god was this boring. I tried. I tried so hard to keep watching. First off the kill, was lackluster and i pretty much knew sorta It was so damn slow. I promise i tried though.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II - 7/10
It's a decent enough show, kinda emotionally (not just visially) dark, and not the moody kind of dark either.
It borders on semi-miserable.
Kinda like cake that's so many days old it's maybe gone around the bend, but you try to gobble the last bites mostly out of piggishness and fond memories.
The intresting ideas kept coming, kinda fuzzy about
the snake as a horcrux but not HP himself, but whatever.
If you've watched all the others you might as well catch this one, too.
Self indulgent ending, BTW.
The Help - 6/10
The acting and shots were fine, it's only the nature of storytelling that I have conflict with.
First, congratulations for not over-dramatacizing southern accents.
Second, only because I've been hanging out here did I even notice what a monster crane or contraption shot it must've been to film Emma Stone running up the box-spiral staircase up to the second floor near the beginning of the film. Ha! You guys have ru'int me. Anyhow...

Born and raised in the deep south and maybe two and a half generations and a economic bracket away I recognize the vestigial remnants of much of this film's material, amazingly revolting/incredulous as it is. And for that the film did a good job.
I personally don't care for the whiny "our life sux" aspect in any film.
It just isn't entertaining to me.
More like FRIED GREEN TOMATOES mixed with some real history.
Not my cup of tea... or shall I say slice of pie? ;)
Atlas Shrugged Part I - 1/10. Absolutely horrible film and absolutely wretched adaptation of the book.

I think 90% of that film's problem was absolutely piss-poor editing. At some point I'm going to rip the DVD/Blu-Ray onto my computer and edit my own cut of the film without all the ridiculously long pauses and pointless stock footage. If the editing was substantially improved, I think it could hit 7/10. (ETA: of course it would also go from a 2+ hour film to about an hour and 10 minutes, but it would still be an improvement.)

Just watched Flashbacks of a Fool. I'd give it an 9/10 for copious shots of naked and/or shirtless Daniel Craig, but even without that it's still a solid 8 for me. :yes:
Eyes Without a Face . I give it a 10 out of 10 !

1960 French Horror, stunning visuals and excellent acting, story & camera work. well worth a watch.
Cowboys & Aliens (2011)

The Kurgan a good guy?
Harrison Ford a bad guy?
The world's turned upside down!
It's in ho-hum. Or should I say, it's in, okay?

The Hangover Part II (2011)

Being that it is pretty much a clone of the first film, it's also pretty tedious throughout. It did give me a few laughs, though. I suspect if you're looking for a new Hangover fix, the Bridesmaids is probably a more likely, fresher place to look. But if you liked the first one, you probably won't regret (tooooo much) seeing this one at some point as well.

Solaris (1972)

Finally sawr it. It's good. I guess George Lucas is not exactly the first to give us a used, tarnished space-sci-fi world, huh. Pretty interesting film. Fairly beautifully shot. It makes me like and respect the remake even more. So, Solaris is a planet with a mind of its own. Hmmmmm, and James Cameron produced Solaris (2002). Hmmmmm. See where I'm going with this? Well, it's just interesting to connect the dots of possible influence on his creative process, journey.
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