What's Edible That Looks Like Ear Wax?

Heads up. You'll need an Earwax Wrangler on set if you want to be up to code with production. Be sure to check the Florida Filmmaking Laws. They're fairly strict about such things. I read an article where on some indie shoot the director let an extra donate her real earwax for a shot (FX dept. ran out of Newtons) and they shut the production down for two days. Watch out.
If the actor is a method actor, you should use the earwax flavored Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans from Jelly Belly.
Nah regular frosting is a bit too moist I think.

Never really spent enough time with it to be an expert on it..

But I like your idea - I think that apricot fig newtons or breakfast bars would be a better color than apple, though.
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