What will you do this week for your film?


IndieTalk Founder
Staff Member
If you set goals for yourself, you get more done. A DP once told me, do something evey day, even if it's a small thing, as long as you do one thing a day for your film, you will see it happen. It's true!

So this thread is part A of the Zensteve thread, What did you do this past week...?

What will you do this week for your film?
Wednesday -- create a tattoo design to be used on lead character
Thursday -- meet with the team to review prop list
Friday -- worry that I overlooked something
Saturday -- shoot first half of our new movie
Tuesday - picked up "blood pump" & tubing, some new filters for Wendy, and 4 new SFX cds.

Wednesday - Finish editing something I should have finished a while ago.

Thursday - Pick up DAT & microphone-on-a-stick, basic makeup bits

Friday - Successfully resist the urge to post a Round #3. Instead, stay true to form and waffle on in every thread I find on the boards.

Saturday - Remember all the last-minute minute things I've forgotten to have ready for Sunday, and take care of that all. Be incredibly nervous when it's bedtime, so I get no sleep for the following day.

Sunday - Panic at the shoot!

This week I'm costing my trip to Ghana for one project and then breaking down the scenes on post-it notes for the re-write on my Sci-Fi script.
This week we record the score.

I'm tired of hearing synthesized music in low budget movies so I've decided to spend the money and hire musicians. And a studio. And an engineer. Damn, it’s expensive.

The composer wanted three days - but we can only afford two. And he’s never done this before. It’s going to be fun!
Yesterday, I bought a new bulb for one of my lights (the light was knocked over my a PA thus breaking the bulb) and picked up a new china lantern because the other one was coated in fake blood. There are just little things, but it's something.

Interview several people who suffer from certain 'illnesses' for character development. Talk to renowned philosophy scholars (very reclusive people - its like trying to lure a badger out of the warmth) and try to arrange a meeting for some time the other side of Shrove Tuesday.
Location scouting for my very first short-short.
Purchase a shutgun mic.
Continue working out the details for another short that a friend and I are writing together.
Well, for this week, i plan to work on my "sarcasm" script with my friend... we've only actually sat down twice and worked on it for a few hours, and its 10 pages so far, were going for 40-50 pages. Hopefully we'll get closer to that this week.
Today - Sort through actors' headshots/resumes for my comedy/horror short

Saturday - Call/Email the most likely prospects for the leads, set up meetings

Sunday - Meet with co-writer/producer to work out details of the shoot

Next week - Meet with actors; cast roles by end of week; schedule actual production dates.

Hopefully we'll get this thing shot within the next month or so; beyond that, I'm going to get busy on weekends. I'd prefer a weekend daytime shoot, since our location is less usable at night.