What to name my new Ferret

I think you'll find

Gump is the name you're looking for ...

Ferret Gump ... ;)

Oh, well, never mind
indietalk.com, and make sure you tell all your friends his name ;)
haha indie. I dont know, some of those names are good, but i need something ultra insanely kick ass

My Dog's name is spike, and hes bad ass, my Gecko's name is Gecko, so i wanted something equally bad ass for my ferret.
Tyler Durden
Kayser Soze
Johnny Noname
Coupon the Ferret
Li'l Fer
Magical Ferrie
Rat Cutty

Poke (but if you name him this, you owe me royalties)
My mother-in-law has two ferrets (used to have three until one was chewed in half by the neighbor's dog :devil: ) and their names are Gabriel and Abigail (the half-o-ferret's name was Aerial), so as long as you don't name your ferret those names I'll still like you.

or Mr. President

My friend had a dog named BatMan... It was funny when he was asking the people in his neighborhood if they had seen BatMan...lol.

There were 2 ferrets in Beast Master but I don't know their name...
I would suggest getting 2 though. They really need a companion. I had one named Jynx. She was born on Friday the 13th.