3. If the work feels overwhelming, ask for more work. Busy people are rewarded.
Oh, HELL no.
Yes, sometimes busy people are rewarded, but that is because the work they are doing is getting done. To be overwhelmed is to have too much work. What you need is to handle that which is overwhelming and then keep going, this way you are busy but you won't be adding more work to an overwhelming workload.
I know from whence I speak when I say, sometimes people will take advantage of the fact that you can do everything and will expect you to just do it. Be careful of the phrases "we think/thought you can/could handle it,"; the other is "we're offering you a 'challenge'." No, what you want is to dole out the work of 3 people onto one person and reserve the right to say "you didn't step up to the challenge." Those are backhanded compliments which put the person in a catch 22 situation. What is the person supposed to say? No, I can't handle it, its too much work? The employer gets to trot out that statement when they feel the need to. "Well, we didn't promote you because we thought you couldn't handle the workload or challenge." Plus if the work is overwhelming, you stand the risk of not doing anything efficiently and that's worse because your work will be sub-par.
I have seen people 'handle it' because they had no choice and the employer has no intention of giving a pay raise or even recognizing the fact that it is the work of 3 people. So, it's also important to know when someone is taking advantage of you. So I would amend this by saying, if the work is overwhelming, get it done. If they offer more work, take it and do a good job. Hopefully, you will be recognized for your efforts and good work. If not, at least your butt is covered.
Pardon my rant. I am really not that cynical, just a little jaded from seeing this sort of thing happen to good people around me and having it happen to me. I was surprised to find out how often this sort of thing happens. Its not fair, but it is the way things are done nowadays. It's a sad state of affairs.
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