Okay, thanks. Well I was thinking of getting lights that did not cost more than $100 each. I was also thinking of getting a Sony A7s camera, for low lighting but figured I should probably just stick to the Canon T2i I got for now, and work with others would have better cameras later maybe.
I guess what I will do is get either 500 watt or 1000 watt halogens, and then if I have to shoot at a high ISO, I will clean it up later in post maybe.
Are your LED lights as bright as a 1000 watt halogen? They don't look that bright, when I sees others use them. They also often look daylight balanced, where as I am looking for something tungsten balanced, cause I like the skin tones that tungsten brings out. But if there are tungsten LEDs than that's good.
But then again, if LEDs work better I can change the skin tone after, if I want something else of course.