What? Huh? What Do You Mean?

Fantastic! Glad it worked out and no one got stabbed and/or assimilated! And you did get a GREAT story out of it. However, the worrying bit:

They did not know each other, were not related, and didn't seem too surprised that they shared a most uncommon and unique name.

My last name is more common than that (well, depending on what part of the world you are in) and it always catches my attention whenever I meet someone who shares it. However if I met another "josh loughrey" applying for the SAME JOB that I was, I'd be freaked the hell out. One would expect that Samantha 2, having received an e-mail from a total stranger telling her about the part, would start off being a bit weirded out. Very, very strange.
Josh, That's struck me as strange as hell also. My last name is not common, but it's nothing special. When I meet someone with my last name, we always talk about it for a minute or two.

I asked both of them if they'd ever met another person with their name, and they both said no. My friend had only met one other person with her first name which is actually Bailey. So, to be standing next to another Bailey with your own last name. I would think there would be a lot to talk about. Apparently not.
Hah that's a really cool story.

I wonder what the random Samantha was thinking. She decides she wants to do some acting and then out of the blue from a complete stranger comes an email about an acting position.

She must definitely think there's a god and he's looking out for her now.