What Happens To A Youtube Video Uploaded 1,000 Times?

from HuffPo:

Every wonder what would happen if you uploaded a video to YouTube, downloaded it, and uploaded it again? Not much.

But if you were to repeat the process 1,000 times, you'd be left with a distorted blob of moving pixels.

That's exactly what YouTube user Canzona did to his video.

In the original clip (via Ontologist), the creator sits in front of the camera and explains, in his "normal speaking voice," how this process (of uploading and downloading a video 1,000 times) will "eliminate all human qualities" from the video. The second video, the end result, bears little resemblance to the original.

Check out the "before" and "after" below. See the in-between videos on Canzona's YouTube channel.

Upload #1

Upload #1,000

Kinda neat, eh?
Not sure this is real. I think with water coloring in photoshop or some other program you could get something like that. Then just ad a filter to the voice. I don't think I would believe it unless I did it my self.
Not sure this is real. I think with water coloring in photoshop or some other program you could get something like that. Then just ad a filter to the voice. I don't think I would believe it unless I did it my self.

You can see for yourself that he's uploaded the video 1000 times on his YouTube account. It's just a demonstration of how compression degrades the quality of the final product - a bit like faxing something back and forth hundreds of times.
I have a great looking rough cut of half my documentary on Elements that turns to s**t on compression. I need to get some pro software. This is one of those experiments where I'm, torn between: A) Great idea and B) dude, don't you have a job?

I'm most interested in what it does to the sound...
I have a great looking rough cut of half my documentary on Elements that turns to s**t on compression. I need to get some pro software. This is one of those experiments where I'm, torn between: A) Great idea and B) dude, don't you have a job?

I'm most interested in what it does to the sound...

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Adobe Media Encoder is the sh*t.
Haha! I know! I jumped when I first heard the second one. I was NOT expecting the audio to be so distorted and creepy.

@Paper: you're welcome :)
Someone want to try this with their videos?

I wonder what he does for a living, having the time to do that a thousand times. I get frustrated uploading one video on YouTube, let alone uploading and ripping at the same time.