What did I miss while I was gone?

We figured out how to achieve world peace... but summarily discounted it due to the lack of plot fodder that would provide us... all references have been deleted.
I was recording people's voices and sound effects for a film.

Knightly, that's great. You're a mod so you can restore it, right?
I shot a superhero movie about boobs and farts. Adiementus had one of his scripts optioned for production, and he bought a camera. M1chea1 acted in something like 20 movies, most of which look really fun. This dude from Florida (FCRabbath), who's not here very often, made a short that looks pretty fucking sweet, and this dude from San Diego got banned after one post, but his ultra-low budget feature also looks cool. Wheatgrinder is plotting to take over the world, one light at a time. Papertwin became the new ROC (that's a compliment to both of you). And Zensteve successfully convinced Indietalk to revoke my lifetime-Premium-membership, so that they could reconvene their talks of overthrowing all the world governments with the Crab People. That about sums it up in a nutshell.
Ah, the Prodigal Son returns.

The Funkmeister about summed it up.

Also, Buddy has turned into a virtual factory of DIY doodads. We need to take up a collection and buy that boy a camera...

Welcome back, btw!

well, lets c... i came across this question by somebody thats never been asked before!

it went something like, lets c.... oh yeah, 'which camera is best?'

Hey guys! Thanks Funk, Charles and Ernest - good to be back. I'll have to tell you all about it one of these days.

I saw the new preview for Avatar and thought of you, Cracker.
And what do you think I'm doing? lol!

I'm going to laugh really hard if it makes over 300 mil in the box office. That means it still made more than the average blockbuster after having been released 9 months earlier.
And what do you think I'm doing? lol!

I'm going to laugh really hard if it makes over 300 mil in the box office. That means it still made more than the average blockbuster after having been released 9 months earlier.

Unfortunately, my honest prediction is that the "Special Edition" will not be an improvement on the original. I'm of the opinion that the vast majority of the time, the theatrical release is the best cut, and the scenes that were cut were cut for good reason. There are exceptions to that, but for the most part...

Anyway, I just want to see it on the big screen, in 3D again. My projector is pretty sweet, but there's no comparison to the real deal. And, of course I'm curious to see the cut footage (and hopefully, my prediction is wrong).
Hah yeah.

Wonder if they touched up any audio things as well. They usually do.

Wonder if this release puts them in the running for the Oscars again ;) I would laugh if it did.