These terms are used in all the best screenplays, yet many people say it ruins the script. I think it's necassary to add these things because It is our job to tell what the camera sees. If we want to paint an image in someones mind, these terms do it well without actually saying, The Camera tilts and does a 360 rotation shot around the dead body.... Instead I can say, We Move Back and circle the dead body.... Yes, we're supposed to tell a story, but at the same time screenwriting isn't a book. We got to make the Reader feel like they are the camera. That's what I try to do when I write.
I never use the word Camera, but I do use Angle once in a while, only to make it clear that the veiwer, or reader, that whatever we are angleing on is important for some reason.
Tell me what you think, what terms do you use? Do you think I shouldn't use these terms and why? Why does every script you almost read use these scripts but it's so bad to use them? Tell us what you think?
I never use the word Camera, but I do use Angle once in a while, only to make it clear that the veiwer, or reader, that whatever we are angleing on is important for some reason.
Tell me what you think, what terms do you use? Do you think I shouldn't use these terms and why? Why does every script you almost read use these scripts but it's so bad to use them? Tell us what you think?