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watch Western Scene. First try

Please Rate this. What do you think of it?
The guy in the video is my brother... I shot it with a Rebel T2i and the kit lens, because i didnt have my nifty fifty with me...
Might want to film a whole movie. Not quite sure yet!

Deffo watch in 1080P

Any questions, just shoot.

Oh btw: If you want to know. I am 15 Years old and come from the UK!




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Pretty good job for your age if you dont mind me saying so.

Let's c. I think the costume needs more work. Perhaps a bit more older and faded looking.
And i think there was too much green in that color grading which isn't what we usually associate with westerns we usually see.

Other ppl will have more and better advice, im sure.

Yeah, was just a little test really. We didn't care about costumes much. I came home from school and he had that revolver in his hands. So we used the last hour of remaining daylight.
Next time, I will post a video with much more work on costumes and a bit better edited on my new Imac!

I forgot to say: Thanks so much for the tips and positive input!
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Looks great. I had the same thought on the color but I like how good the camera looks. You said it was the stock kit that comes with the T2i that you used?
Looks great. I had the same thought on the color but I like how good the camera looks. You said it was the stock kit that comes with the T2i that you used?

Yeah, indeed the 18-55mm Kit Lens.
People always say this lens sucks, but the truth is, that it is quite good. Might not have the best depth of field, but it is quite sharp.
My 50mm F1.8 Is only better in some situations, but i personally dont like to use it that much, because the T2i has a crop sensor, so basically it is more like a 80mm lens.

If you really want to film, I guess you can get really good results with a kit lens!
You can always do a modern-day Western. That way, you wouldn't need old-timey costumes. Costumes are difficult enough -- try making old-timey sets. Personally, I think a modern-day Western can be very cool (and it doesn't even need to be set in the West).

I'm not a fan of the dip-to-blacks. Otherwise, I think this is some nice test-footage.

I don't know if this is cliche, but for a Western, I might go for more muted colors, brown and grey perhaps. Either that, or the complete opposite, with colors popping everywhere.
I was screaming at the screen!

Never put your finger in the trigger guard until your ready to pull the trigger...

That said, looks sweet.. nice cuts and it builds tension rather well.. good work.

If you had exposed to hold some sky, and then filled in with some reflectors\lights you'd have a top quality image for sure..
Its interesting, I've got a 550D / Rebel and while I agree they do make a purdy picture, the footage can start to look a little samey after a while.

The markets getting a little saturated with DSLR shorts, and I know this isn't really a short, but something stylised like this is a great opportunity to play with some pretty extreme grading and maybe make the shots stand out from the crowd. Something really harsh and desaturated, with some really nice closeups of a dusty, sweaty, grimy face.

These are just suggestions though...it was a nice little sequence, although apart from the ripped jeans, your cowboy was pretty clean. :)
Hey there,

1 Point: I agree, gun safety will be considered next time, even though the gun was not loaded at all in this video. The blank firing shells were taken out directly after the shot and ear plugs were worn.

2 Point: The T2i is really a great little camera. I am really really happy with it.

3 Point: A modern Day western is a really good idea to be honest. Its hard to get sets and costumes up to the old times. Bit hard to film in the west anyway because we are in the UK!

4 Point: The Cowboy is a little clean, because he just shaved the day before and we decided within 5 minutes to go out. So literally, I came home from school, chucked my bag in the corner and asked him. The Stuff he wore was what he normally wears anyway ;)
the footage can start to look a little samey after a while.

The markets getting a little saturated with DSLR shorts,

Totally agree. Now that the industry pretty much has a SOLID HD IMAGE taken care of and has created a level playing field for pretty much anyone to get a DSLR, point it at something and make a nice picture, the real challenge will be WHAT you do with that image. What story are you telling and how are you telling it? The opportunities are endless, which is a double-edged sword.

Image? Check.
Set design?

I'm throwing this out there as a general list for the filmmaking community at large and is not directed at the Western Scene.

Would love to see what you can do with some solid writing on hand! Keep at it!
Image? Check.
Sound? Check
Story? Check
Theme? Check
Writing? In progress
Acting? Not yet done. Still casting
Set design? Nope
Costumes? Nope
Scope? Feature Film..
Although, this is not for a western style film, but for a modern one!

Oh, btw, how can i embedd a video, so I can edit it at the top?

You just cut/paste the code after the =

then highlight, then click the YT button.

Don't paste the entire URL, just MFQ8nG0owPo

Good stuff. Liked how it all came together and you have some talent that you should continue to develop!

I am a bit angry though....you cut that WAAAYYY too soon. Regardless of the idea that you may be working on a true short and this is just a screen test, I WANTED TO SEE MORE.

Aside from the fact that your brother isn't a "polished" actor he did quite a good job and all the elements of this test pulled me in.

I'm not nearly good/knowledgable enough to comment on lenses and color grading and lighting but I do know how I feel when I watch something and I felt like he was about to "do battle" with some arch nemesis whom he is scared will actually be better than him. I was saying to myself, buck up chum! You can do this!

Well Done.
Abaci_Productions, thank you sooo much.

You just made my day with that comment ;)

I will definitely go out and shoot some more videos to make a whole short of this.
Looking to do a mexican stand off sometime soon, but I need to find another guy.

Next time, I will try to put some more work in the costumes and tell him to grow a beard.. :D
