I swim in your hater-aid. It keeps me awake. Please, for the future of my success, keep hating on my projects.
Cracker, you're a hard one to figure out. There's very few who are more all over the map than me.
Did I understand you wrong? Did you not want this hate, "for the future of [your] success"?
It's a bit of a relief that you're not one of those who need hate to get motivated, not that there's anything wrong with floating your boat that way.
I'm legitimately saddened to learn that I need to add you to a list that formerly only had one member. Any time you hate on me in any thread that isn't the thread I created for you to hate on me, I will document it in that thread.
You don't know when it's time to quit, do you? You're just asking for it to be heaped on you.
It's sad, you plead for a truce you had no intention to keep.
You want it to continue, it's on buddy!
make sure you do it in the right thread
make sure you do it in the right thread
The problem is this sort of thread.
I know you guys all mean well, but the vibe is always pretty macho, pretty posturing. And it only gets worse when a discussion brings in thoughts on young actresses – I think the balance often tips into outright misogyny.
I've also noticed (with two very prominent example that I won't be specific about) that when a member self-identifies as a young woman, suddenly there's an awful lot of interest in anything she posts. There are definitely some long-term community members, like mlesseman, who I think have gotten beyond this treatment into the 'regular' status (which so many blokes enjoy) but it can be off-putting to new members, and I guess makes people shy about specifying their gender.
But most of these problems are true of the internet generally. I'm not sure we, as the user body of IT, need to actively push to get more women on the board, though it might be worth IndieTalk doing some gender targeted marketing on Facebook. What we can do, however, is to try and make the vibe here more chilled out, more conducive to civil, constructive discussion, so that we both have a good time talking about things here and also leave a concise and useful resource for future internet generations.
Sorry, I didn't mean 'posturing' in the sense of taking an ideological position that you don't really believe in, more in the sense of people sometimes being overly aggressive or confrontational in a slightly performative manner!
Enjoy your weed.