Weekend's shoot

Well, my team finally got around to shooting a project I've been working on for a while.

It's called "Dead Letters"... about a fellow who just can't let go, after his wife's unfortunate death. :blush:

Anyways, here's a pic from the set. Didn't get to take many myself, though I'm sure the rest of the crew did.

That's my week, in review. :cool:


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Whoa! Hey that sounds like a good story. Can't wait.
Yah, the corpse is really neat. Most of the detail is in the face, but he added some basic stuff to the legs and arms just in case we decided to show them after all.

Ethyl was made by Larry Carr, who mainly creates and designs full-body monsters for Halloween shows now.

It will be a while 'til the who project is done. We've filmed four of the five segments so far. Maybe August 'til it's all done? We'll see.

The story is pretty solid, it would appear... though the same can't be said of the mental state of the husband. :scared:

The story is pretty solid, it would appear... though the same can't be said of the mental state of the husband. :scared:

Well THAT's obvious! I mean, he IS serving a merlot with what looks like some kind of minestrone. No wonder the wife looks so stressed. Next time, try a Pinot Noir, for that Oaken savoury flavour.
A few more pics to throw around. We didn't have a still-photog on this one, so there's not a lot to pick from.

Dan Lookabill & Tyler Wolfe meet up, at the cemetery. Oh, the angst! :rolleyes:

Devorah Dishington & Dan Lookabill - The perfect couple. No, really! :)

Time has not been kind to Ethyl. Where's our makeup girl? You've got your work cut out with this one!

...and I'll post some screengrabs from the actual film, as soon as I get it onto the ol' harddrive.