website critique requested, please

I've been working on a new site for my prodco. I'd really appreciate you guys checking it out.

How does the flow and the interface work for you? Easy to navigate?

Do you like the look? Does it fit?

Is everything working?

Any opinions/critique/ideas would be awesome! :cool

I don't know if its my internet's problem but the site doesn't seem to have a template. Its just a plain white background with text over it.

Also the images aren't loading. Other than that, it seems like a good beginners site with all the necessary functions. Later you can add more content and decorate a bit.
Plain white background.

Pix next to "About Us" and "Meet the Makers" do not load.

Clicking on links leads to "404 - Not Found".

Each of the following should be a separate page:

Main Menu
About Us

EDIT - your copyright is 2008; isn't this a new website?
Your CSS file isn't loading. You need to change:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/satyrica/components/com_jcomments/tpl/default/style.css?v=12" type="text/css" />


<link rel="stylesheet" href="/components/com_jcomments/tpl/default/style.css?v=12" type="text/css" />
ok, for some reason the subdomain I set up is screwing it up. the site should be working at

not sure why having a subdomain would do that, any ideas?

Oh, God. I had one hell of a time getting that sorted out. I spent a good 4 or 5 hours on the phone, and two full days trying to fix it. I kid you not, it ended with the technician (like, the 10th I spoke to) telling me that there was a glitch in the system, and that he fixed it. And he did. I have no idea what the glitch was, or how he fixed it. Did you end up going with Godaddy?

As for the website, it looks good. Only thing I might change is the redundancy of it. A few different things repeat on more than one page. Looks nice, though.
I think the colors are pleasing. I think there is a decent amount of content there...however, I think everything has that uniform Wordpress blog template feel. Nothing exciting. Also it seems your Home page is the same as your About Us page.

I'd say break out of the template you're using--if it even is a template--and try to design some of the pages to not resemble blog posting.

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Personally I'd like something over to the left of the banner and perhaps a graphical seperation between the posts but all in all it's sound. Your RSS feed isn't working...

What CMS are you using?
ok, for some reason the subdomain I set up is screwing it up. the site should be working at

not sure why having a subdomain would do that, any ideas?

On most hosts, a subdomain can be accessed from or - you were referencing the files as if it was being accessed from the subfolder, when it was actually being accessed from the subdomain.

I like the colour scheme, but the layout feels a bit awkward to my eye, what with the main menu being repeated and the text at the top of the page not standing out from the background. A really good start, but I think a little bit of work could make an enormous improvement.

Nick: It's Joomla.
Thanks for the feedback!

@Alcove, I figured I should put the earliest 'copyright' date of any of my works.
Does the copyright on the bottom only refer to the site only, then? Should I
make it 2011?

@C Funk, no I'm still with yahoo. I haven't yet tried to sort out the subdomain
issue, though. I don't even want to think about trying to get that to work right
now. I'm sure you understand :) Thanks!

@michael, yeah I'm new to joomla/blog software so this is based off a template.
I agree it does have blog written all over it, but one question. Is that a bad thing?
I know personally I'm not turned off by the blog look, even if it's meant to be an
informational website, as long as it's navigable. But you're not the first person to
mention the 'blog look' thing to me. So I'm guessing not everyone feels the same
as me about it?
Thanks for the advice though, I'll keep playing with it to see what I'm able to control.

Ok, so it's agreed that repeating the 'about us' on the home page is not good. I'm
still trying to decide what would be better, a welcome message or just keep it like
a feed with the most recent posts on the front page? A welcome message would
be more consistent and perhaps better, but how do I write one without just
repeating my 'about us' section? Thoughts?

@nick, something like what to the left of the banner? The menu? (not being sarcastic,
but did you have anything in mind?) Also I know nothing about RSS feeds, I saw it on
the bottom of the page and went, 'cool now people can follow me.' But I take it I
need to perform some sort of set-up, then?

@chili, I think I understand what you are saying, and that sounds like it could be
what was going on, but the other way around, I think? Either way, I'm not sure how
to fix it, at the moment.
I wanted to have the important links on top, and then all the links on the side. Is there
simply not enough difference between the menus for now or should I just go with all
on the top or side and nothing else? Would it look too cluttered if I had all the menu
options on the top and no menu on the side? When you say the top text blends in,
you're referring to the top menu buttons, right? At least that's an easy fix ;)
Thanks a bunch!

@sonny, Thanks!

PS: I want to fill up my links section so if any of you guys have movie or prodco or
film related sites, just post them here or PM me (preferably with a sentence or two
description) and I'll put them in. :D
@chili, I think I understand what you are saying, and that sounds like it could be
what was going on, but the other way around, I think? Either way, I'm not sure how
to fix it, at the moment.
I wanted to have the important links on top, and then all the links on the side. Is there
simply not enough difference between the menus for now or should I just go with all
on the top or side and nothing else? Would it look too cluttered if I had all the menu
options on the top and no menu on the side? When you say the top text blends in,
you're referring to the top menu buttons, right? At least that's an easy fix ;)
Thanks a bunch!

The problem at the moment is that you're using an absolute reference:


The slash at the beginning sends you to the server route, so if you're accessing the site from the subdomain it's looking for this file:

(which doesn't exist)

Whereas if you access it from the subfolder it's looking for this file:

You can solve this problem by using a relative, rather than absolute, reference, like so:


(note the lack of forward slash at the beginning) That should work when accessed from either URL.

Having both menus would be fine if they've got different links on them, but at the moment it's just a bit confusing for the user.
If possible I'd have a set of menu links along the left (so the About Us, Films..etc tabs) so that it breaks it up a little. I like the Satyrica Films logo it just looks a tad empty over that side. Perhaps you could run a nav bar down the left and that might also stop it looking bloggy (although I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing)...
I hope you don't mind me using your images. But something like this maybe:


Sorry for the crude job.

Most of my other quibbles have either been addressed already or are difficult to change because of the software.

It's a good start. Keep at it.
not sure why having a subdomain would do that, any ideas?

Here is the fix...

the pic at "" is the correct location.

On the subdomain the pic is is pointing to "":no:
you would need to have a structure of ROOTFOLDER/satyrica/satyrica/images.

The path needs to read "" <<<This loads !:yes:

Your HTML editor is giving the wrong path to the images.


Go into your editor and clean up the paths
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