website critique requested, please

I've been working on a new site for my prodco. I'd really appreciate you guys checking it out.

How does the flow and the interface work for you? Easy to navigate?

Do you like the look? Does it fit?

Is everything working?

Any opinions/critique/ideas would be awesome! :cool

Site looks good. I do have one suggestion (as my day job is a Director of Human Resources). The description you have of you and Sean. I would try and word it a little more professionally.

"Born in the suburbs of Chicago, Sammi has gotten far in just a short number of years"

And please, I am NO expert but maybe something more on the line of :

A native of Chicago, Sammi has been able to advance in her craft in only a few short years.

When I first read yours I immediately thought you were extremely young

Hope this is helpful
There is absolutely noting wrong with being young..I was it once lol. It was more that you want people to look at what you do not think you are an amateur and unfortunately some people turn away from great works just on perception

Look at how Independent films are looked at . I have hit in to so many people as I am marketing my husbands film, that think Independent means low budget aka crap and we all know that is not always the case.
