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We are lookng for screenplays

Hello Everybody,

We are a budding production company located in NorthWest Ohio. There is currently a few music videos and webshows under us. Our first feature is in pre production and going into shooting within a few weeks.

Our main goal at the moment is finding cheap, preferably free screenplays that we can produce on a low budget. Everything we do is and has been out of pocket, so the cheaper the better. If anyone out there has any throwaways or something that isn't getting shopped please send it our way. Or if you know someone, please tell them about us.

Thank You,

Chris and Brian

Co-Founders of Diz X Films

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I've got some screenplays, but I plan on making them myself. Sorry :)

Be patient and hopefully someone will come along. Have you got any examples of your previous work for screenwriters to look at and see to make sure they would like you to be the one to turn their work into a film?
I actually do have a couple of throwaways. Might have to send them your way.

Please do.

As far as an example of my work..I am in pre-production of my debut so...the only thing I really have as an example would be my two music videos and our webshow which doesn't really reflect our style.

Also if you live in Ohio where not everyone and their mother has written a screenplay...there are free screenplays because there isn't a demand for them.