*URGENT* Want to make a viral video?


Well, I hope I hear back from this girl and Cracker and I are national heros in a month and going on Jay Leno together.
Yeah, I feel really sorry for this girl. It's too bad there's people out there who prey on parents who think their kids are great and are willing to spend a couple G's to make said kid's dreams come true. :/
I'm a bit lost in this thread. :huh:

You need help making a video? Or need help understanding how a video got so many hits?

The latter. Then I realized how much publicity I would get if I were to re-record her song and re-write it so it sounds good and produce her so she blows up better than Ke$ha.

And I need help understanding why you never invite me on your dollar theater excursions. It's ok though, I see how it is.
She trended for over a week on Twitter, no mean feat, and I ended up listening to the song about twenty times...

It's genuinely REALLY catchy. I understand that the lyrics are just too bizarre for words and that the singing is an autotune nailbomb but I've struggled to get it out of my head ever since I first watched it.

That said, if I were her I'd just bury my head in the sand for the next six months.
Iv had "tween" girls for a while now, this song fits right in..
Spend a day watching the bevy of Disney Channel teen soaps.. my gosh, its full of this stuff..

Shes 13 or whatever, not a great singer, not really interested in a big career so she got her 15mins and will have a great laugh every Thanksgiving. How many of us mature types would regret this happened in our life? Ruined career? she didnt have one to being with..
I need help understanding why you never invite me on your dollar theater excursions. It's ok though, I see how it is.

Heh, I typically hit the StarPlex on the way back from the warehouse I have in OC. The decision to go see something is made soley on how terrible the traffic is at the time. Handy place to pass the time, while the I-5 is overloaded.

We should definitely do something locally for sure, though. Even chit-chat over lunch would be cool. :cool: