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watch Uhhh...Hi.

New here. My name is Anthony. Some people call me Cortez. I answer to either. I made a short and a music video recently. They're kinda my first attempts at real filmmaking. In the case of the short, I wrote, directed, shot, edited and co-produced. In the case of the music video, I co-conceptualized, directed, shot, edited and set designed/constructed. They're not bad I think. Kinda wish I went a more conventional route with the short's story and structuring but that's what I felt like doing at the time so...whatevs yo.

Anyway, hope to make some good friends here is all.

Jimmy Boy (short)

Little Jackie (Music Video)

I look forward to getting to know all of you.

That Little Jackie vid was great :cool:

Will have to watch the rest of Jimmy Boy tomorrow. It started off well; too late to finish it tonight.

That song is stuck in my head now. :blush:
The Little Jackie video was pretty amazing. The song was great too. I liked the lyrics. Probably too sexual for main stream channels except maybe late night MTV do to the lyrics. I thought the video matched the song well.
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