Tips for a new, poor, struggling filmmaker

I want to make short films and I have been trying to make them with a very low quality handycam dcr-sr47 that I got a few years ago. I feel like if I get a microphone and/or lights for now that will at least help until I can get a new camera but my camera doesn't have a microphone input so I would need to have it connected directly to a recorder and that is a whole other expense to add in. What would you suggest that I buy first with a very low budget (no more than 200 dollars...) I work for all of my supplies but my job only pays 6.50 an hour. A 22 hour paycheck will only net me around 125 dollars
All I can say is work on other people's films and make filmmaker friends that way. Use Craigslist.
Your filmmaker friends will have equipment. Help each other out :)
Good Luck!!
Yeah I want to make movies with my friends and get something out there but honesty, I have no friends who are interested in this type of stuff. A lot of music and dancers but none that want to make videos for anything

That's two wonderful resources right there.
What can you "offer" each group?
If the music guys don't WANT a music video made, then just ask 'em if they mind if you putz around with your equipment... and just maybe (while you're gaining experience shooting, composing, blocking, framing, audio gathering, editing) they kinda like what you made. And fan appreciation steps up - Oh! Based on that video, another band they know actually wants you to do a PAID music video of them. Suuuuuuure!

Same for the dancers.
Maybe they don't care.
Maybe they wanna see where there performance needs a little tweak here and there. What? Church daycare director heard you shoot performances, wha... ? Suuuuuuure! Retail $25 a DVD 50/50 split with the venue/church and yourself. Cool.

Learn to recognize...

I spy, with my little eye...
Thanks for all of the tips and ideas. I have a friend coming over today so I definitely will ask him about making a dumb movie for the day just so I have something to put out there. I doubt he will say no... I appreciate the responses
Rather than ask a friend to make a dumb movie for the day, you could
tell your friend you really want to make a cool movie - something you
can put out there that you're proud of. He might be more interested
in he sees you are serious about making something great. Even if it
turns out to be not so great.

I know when I was 14/15 I ended up getting more and more people
willing to help because I was passionate about making really cool films.
I can tell you the first ones were pretty bad - but I was dedicated and
serious (even when making stupid comedies) so other kids wanted to
If you're worried about lack of audio, a good solution is to make a silent movie. Watch some old silent movies to get the idea. There are zillions of musicians right here on Indietalk willing to score for free. Edit your silent movie, send it off to one of them for scoring, and don't look back.
There are a lot of great comments on here. I would just like to add the thoughts of Robert Rodriguez, if you want to be a filmmaker then get out and make films. In other words, don't sweat the details. The quality of your equipment doesn't matter, your experience or the knowledge of your team doesn't matter. With each film you will learn more than any of us could tell you. Save the money. Do with what you have now. And in the future make strategic purchases based on your experience. That is my suggestion.
Honestly, you guys really have helped a lot and I have a plan to record all of the music with our professional music equipment and then sync it like they would for a normal musical film. I like the idea of a silent film with a dramatic score. That may be a really fun project. Thanks for the ideas guys