Man, oh man! Best to switch off the moralistic side of your brain. It’s a hard film to watch.
Yeah, not so much a problem. I have a habit of seeking out things that are "hard to watch," yet can't be classified as gore, or even horror films at all.
For me, a film like Gummo, or Happiness, or Requiem for a Dream is a much more interesting/satisfying/provoking "difficult to watch" experience than something with cheap thrills like Hostel.
Really, the only time I get bent about something being a remake these days are cases like Let The Right One In, or Insomnia, or Open Your Eyes. Cases where an absolutely outstanding film gets remade for American audiences only a couple years after the original. Why? Just release the god damn original. Just a pet peeve of mine. I didn't see the American version of Let... - but I did see both versions of the other two, and the foreign originals are superior in every possible way, imnsho.** I guess it just irks me that my fellow countrymen have to have their own special version of movies in order to enjoy them.
Or maybe just the people holding the purse strings are underestimating their audience.
Torture porn is probably the closest thing to “exploitation” we have right now; cheap, nasty, mediocre scripts, mediocre acting, gallons of blood, plenty of tits... I don’t think much effort is put into the lighting…
In fairness, I've seen a handful of scenes in films I'd call torture porn that were pretty well lit, but from what I saw of the preview for I Spit... it just seemed phoned in.
Having said that, I think that torture as a subject matter has it's place right now. I mean there is a good possibility that an "enhanced interrogation" is happening somewhere in the world as I type this sentence.
So it becomes an expression of the times, of sorts. Would be great though if someone could broach the subject without degenerating into the gore-porn aspects.
So it was! I stand corrected! That's what I get for being introduced to the film by a raging feminist, and not doing the research on my own
Would love to see the look on her face when told that the lead actress was the director's wife. Nothing against feminists - I was raised by a bra-burning, raging feminist myself. But raging activists of any kind always amuse me when they are misinformed.
** - Which, by the way, says volumes about the original Insomnia. Seriously. See it. The Nolan version is a good film (though one that I always felt he did as a "Okay, let's do this one for the studio, then I can do what I want" piece), but just not quite up to the original in so many ways.