Thoughts on anti-gravity?

Hey everyone!

I don't have a specific project in mind related to this topic, but I am curious about it and may do something with it down the road. So my question is, what are some ways to pull off anti-gravity?

The reason I bring this up is because I just watched a wonderful short film called Brink, which had some amazingly dream-like anti-gravity going on.

I imagine different spaces would call for different methods. In the case of a movie like Brink, would CGI be better suited to holding things up on fishing line? Just trying to get some opinions.

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This can be somewhat difficult. Some of it is simple wire elimination, some is done with syntheyes or equivalent. I'm actually doing a short film with this technique soon.

Not for beginners, several thousand dollars of software required. Chain syntheyes+max+vray+AE+blur max layer.
Greenscreening? But its hard to make it look convincing with a greenscreen. But if you're going for a surreal dream like levitation, maybe its the way to go. I guess you would have to use your imagination.

If the actor has short hair you could probably do a greenscreen effect pretty easily by setting up some props, like a bed, or floor, other furnature on its side in front of the greenscreen, and then dolly the actor away in the standing position. Then just add a background, turn the footage on its side and bam, levitation.

I have no idea how that would look, especially in whatever way you want to use it in your scene, but thats the best low budget trick I could think of.
Greenscreening? But its hard to make it look convincing with a greenscreen. But if you're going for a surreal dream like levitation, maybe its the way to go. I guess you would have to use your imagination.

If the actor has short hair you could probably do a greenscreen effect pretty easily by setting up some props, like a bed, or floor, other furnature on its side in front of the greenscreen, and then dolly the actor away in the standing position. Then just add a background, turn the footage on its side and bam, levitation.

I have no idea how that would look, especially in whatever way you want to use it in your scene, but thats the best low budget trick I could think of.

I believe Darren Aronofsky used a similar technique in Black Swan. Worked quite well from what I remember.