This is crazy!!

Yup, by masking out the legs and having funky video beneath.

If you look up Creative Cow's tutorials, find their AEFX Star Trek teleporter effect tutorial. (The ST:OS one) There's a step-by-step instructional video, and sample footage.
Thank god this wasn't a life or death situation then.

Basically you'd create a matte using the footage of the person (which is probably recorded on a greenscreen), use a gradient fill to make the legs white and the torso black (or vice versa if you use inverse luma matte) and then place the the projection video on top with the layer you just created as a matte.

Pretty straightforward if you've done it before.
Heres how i would do it and im no expert so dont take my suggestion to seriously. Paint the actors lower body green, Key out the green, feather only the portion between the torso and legs to get that fade between actors torso and legs, add funky video behind. this may work. I dont mask much but i think you would have to mask each frame individualy since the actor is moving.
awesome. thanks to everyone who helped. im gonna be using this technique to create a really trippy short film. and i just love how it looks :D i am not. filmmaking is a passion for me and i want to get better at doing it. so i came here.. dont judge mate

He wasn't being judgemental. It's just that when someone's first post is to link something, be it a video or a product, it often seems to be the case that the "question" being asked is a rouse, and the post is only there to promote, and then we never see that person again. Honestly, your post did seem quite suspicious; wheat was only pointing out the obvious. Also, this is why we have a "welcome" section.

Anyway, don't let that harsh greeting deter you from sticking around. Cheers!

To answer your question, my intuition tells me that Zensteve has provided the best answer. To be upfront, I have not done anything like this, myself. However, in talks with other people, the impression I get is that once you've learned how to get around After Effects, something like this would be rather simple, and no green keying would be involved.