the Sonnyboo Ledger

Many things happen in the world of Sonnyboo, and independent filmmaker Peter John Ross

======THE BIG NEWS=======

Several Sonnyboo short films will be at movie theatres on 5,000+ movie screens before theatrical releases. Starting next Friday, LICENSE EXAM, and a few weeks later, FILMMAKERS THE NEXT GENERATION, starring my nephews and my neice will be shown.

Sonnyboo favorites have been selected for presentation with SCREENVISION as "pre Show Entertainment" for several major movie chains. Shorts like License Exam will now play before theatrical releases to 5,000 screens including Loews Cineplex, Carmike Cinemas, Cinemark and Pacific Theaters. I want to make sure to give my heartfelt thanks to for their support of all things Boo. Putting movies online has done wonders for my movies. Anyone on the fence may want to reconsider putting his or her films on the Internet.

On the big screen, right before ALL the major Hollywood releases, and the run of this title will coincide with the release of STAR WARS III: REVENGE OF THE SITH. A movie I wrote & directed will play before "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away" in the same theatre, in front of the same crowd. This is one of the most exciting things to ever happen to me in my life thus far.

read more about it here:

======FILM FESTIVALS=======

This past LOOK AT MY SHORTS FILM FESTIVAL had attendance over the 350 people. 13 short films for 13 filmmakers, and a packed house. It doesn't get much better than that. Studio 35 was happy & we're going to conitue to do our festivals there from now on.

The Chicago REALLY short film festival is showing no less than 3 Sonnyboo films at this year's festival. WTTW's Image Union - present The Chicago "Really" Short Film Fest on May 7 2005 (3:PM) hosted by The Abbey Pub (3420 W. Grace Chicago, Il 60618). Featuring film critic Erik Childress.

Many sonnyboo shorts have been selected to play at the Desert Reel Film Festival in Odessa & Midland Texas on April 21st-24th, 2005

==========TV & BROADCAST==============

Sonnyboo shorts are now to be broadcast on BITE TV, a cable channel in Canada.

ManiaTV will broadcast "The Job Interview“ will air the entire week of April 4th and will premiere at 10 pm EST and 2 am EST on Friday, April 8th. Peter John Ross has been chosen as a ManiaTV! Featured Filmmaker

==========FEATURE FILM==============

Horrors of War has it's own website with all kinds of new content. New pics from the D-Day shoot.

The new TEASER TRAILER for "HORRORS OF WAR" will be online very very soon.


There's a lot more going on, but these are the highlights. More info & excitement can be found at

I've also updated the FREE FILMMAKERS DOWNLOADS page, so there's additional goodies for filmmakers for free too.

Peace out my friends,
Peter John Ross
That's great news, indeed. :)

Back in NZ, every film used to have short films playing before the main feature.

Not sure if it's still like that now, but it was a great way to catch a lot of locally-made material on the big screen.
These are played on a digital projector along with the ads before the show. Several of the theatre chains are switchign their still projectors to LCD digital with a laptop so they can do powerpoint type advertising instead of 35mm slide projectors.
sonnyboo said:
These are played on a digital projector along with the ads before the show. Several of the theatre chains are switchign their still projectors to LCD digital with a laptop so they can do powerpoint type advertising instead of 35mm slide projectors.
Yeah, it's much nicer to see a short film, than those local slides for dentists. Congrats!

Are you going to be at The Indie Gathering?
Major congrats.. things look great! Being in a big movie theate before big pictures is really awesome... what an accomplishment!